The Outer Worlds - Obsidian's Fallout New Vegas in Space

This is like those Mass Effect Andromeda threads where people come back over and over again to tell you how shitty the game is. OK cool.

It’s more that expectations were really high and the game is just ok and not some masterpiece or future classic.

A few people don’t like it, a few people love it. I feel like Andromeda, on the other hand, received mostly hate.

So the lesson is stop pumping up certain games for months or years into some impossible level of expectation.

I just played Outer Worlds, enjoyed it for being the fun action rpg like game it was with an enjoyably quirky world design and that’s all. 25 or so hours of entertainment and I’m fine with that.

If you only have 12 minutes to play this, here is how:

OK so I started this two days ago and I´m definitely enjoying it. But it mostly feels like a little weird mash up of Mass Effect and Borderlands…? I mean, someone tell me that a designer from Borderlands was in on this? Even the music is the same.

Just came to Groundbreaker (yes don´t mind me, I´m an explorer, I never leave a place until I´ve looked in every nook and cranny, so no 12 minute playthrough here).

The only thing that´s really annoying me is the fact that you can´t see more than one objective at a time on the map. So to know if there are any mission objectives on my way to another mission, I have to switch to all the other quests and then go check the map. WHAT the actual heck.

Well, just like Borderlands, then!

Yup! But I only ever play Borderlands with friends occasionally, and it feels like you kinda just go for one mission anyways then, so that never really bothered me.

In Borderlands 3, there are a lot of side missions that conveniently are on or near the main path, but you not only don’t see map markers unless they are the selected mission, you don’t see quest objects/interactable items either.

Oh. That sucks. Now I´m even more reluctant to play Borderlands 3 than I was before. It just feels (looks) more of the same as Borderlands 2 so… why bother

Borderlands 3 has great shooting and the more I play it the more I rather like the way the character builds can go. It’s not, IMO, as “good” a game in toto as 2, but it’s well worth your time if you like the genre/series. Caveat: I play solo, and have never even tried 3 with anyone in a group. Played an infinitesimal bit of 2 in groups.

These games need a “loot all objects in room” option. I just hate driving my carpel tunnel into oblivion trying to open every little drawer, diving into every trash can, and hammering open every crate.

I missed about 500 posts in this thread. I see the verdict is mixed.

I might skip it. I’m very picky these days.

Yeah, I was pretty close to an impulse day-1 purchase when it launched, but as the breathless enthusiasm has waned, I am realizing maybe there is no rush to add it to my 5 million game backlog.

I love it. YMMV of course. :)

Man ain’t that the truth. Too much loot! So many boxes and whatevs. If this game gets a serious “survival” mode (damage increases and a LOT less resources) I will try it again.

Its very worth getting, the end game falls off from Obsidians greatness, but its worth a play and I’ll be playing it again. The Firefly theme homage ensured that…even if it was only ok…and it was much better than that.

Try Supernova Difficulty. It includes needing to eat, drink, and rest from damage, a LOT more depth! You can forget about saving your crew though, it’s insta death for them…

I’m 19 hours in, with all the companions and half finishing with Monarch, and I think I’m going to drop the game at this point. Which is surprising, if you would have told me some months ago that I was going to drop a FPS/RPG from Obsidian I wouldn’t have believe you, but I’m finding it between mediocre and painfully average (with dips to ‘bad’) in most areas: combat, balance, character progression, questing and skills, dungeon design, exploration, looting, half of the companions, main story… (19 hours in and it’s still as uninteresting as in the first hour, ‘we need to get some chemicals’).
For reference, some of my favorite games are other FPS/RPGs like F:NV, SS2, Deus Ex, Prey, etc

I’m playing it and thinking ‘maybe I should invest my limited hours in Disco Elysium’, instead of truly enjoying.

Damn it, where are you Huxley?