Wondertrap is fine if you have nothing better for 10% movespeed, just ignore the low life magic find bit. Back in the day it was hard to find such boots, but nowadays they’re fairly common so Wondertrap may not be any help.

can someone confirm that witch is the correct class? I haven’t played this in three or four years.

Build figured, ready to go!!!

nm I checked. ok, I’m racing charmtrap to death.

I had to check out this thread just to see what the acronym word bazaar was LOL.

I win. Squeeky died.

Apparently in PoE, though, hardcore doesn’t mean “perma-dead”, which confused me for awhile, but the wiki set me straight. Maybe I’ll try again. I was having fun…just got careless.

what does it mean? I assumed RIP meant dead. I haven’t even started yet!

IIUC, they have some cockamamie system where when you die in HC it moves your character into the standard queue instead of removing it from the game altogether.

Which rather contravenes the spirit of “hardcore” I’d have thought, but whatever, it’s their game.

When a Hardcore character dies in POE, they resurrect in a non-hardcore league. So dying in this case just means your character is no longer in the SSF Incursion league.

Correct, RIP is terminology for your HC toon biting the dust. However in POE, HC toons just get transferred back to the standard (ie non-incursion) league. Feel free to keep playing them if you want, but let us know what level you were when you died.

Snapshot of my char “QtTHREE_HC_BF_OCC” @8 hrs /played
lvl27.5 in City of Sarn, 3 trials done, haven’t tried Lab yet
Life 674
ES 271 Armor 267
Mana 379
Main skills still Blight/EssenceDrain/Contagion
When do we get the Bladefall skill option, after Act 3?

You’ll be able to buy Bladefall from Clarissa in Act 3 City of Sarn after completing the Sever the Right Hand quest.

Oops, just noticed we were supposed to be in HC Incursion…being a total newbit, I started my first character on Standard Hardcore. Therefore, I’m pretending it never happened and starting again.

what’s your character’s name? Mine is Bunlet. Is there a QT3 guild or whatever the equivalent is?

My “first” character was SqueekyFromm…she died far too young @ level 13. My new one is PattyKrenwinkle.

I welcome all friend requests or guilds or messianic cult memberships or whatever it is we do around here.

Died in a “Trial of Ascendancy”. Should I not have gone in there?

The trials are six mini-areas you have to complete to unlock the Labyrinth (also called the Lab). So you do need to do those. However, in a HC league, especially a SSF one (where your gear is likely to be less than great) most people put the Lab off until they are overleveled for the area (so many won’t do the Lab until they are level 40+). Which means that strictly speaking, you don’t need to do the trials until you’re also overleveled.

Two things you need for the trials and the lab are a movement speed and good flasks. Being overleveled for the area means the mobs are more of an annoyance than a real threat.

If you’ve never played HC one tip I will offer is to prioritize life and resistances over pure killing power (both on gear and in your talent tree). The most important thing is to stay alive.

Oh by the way sign me up with CharlieBladeCultist, who just killed Brutus and is now traipsing around the ship graveyard.

If we RIP are we out? Is that the way it works? Or can we create anew and go until the deadline?

So I found this strange box in Solaris 2… I have literally only seen a unique strongbox once before that I remember

The Crimson jewel is for Ground slam. X
The Topaz ring is Kikazaru, maybe usable, but do I need the mana/life regen? Unlikely
The Cobalt jewel is Healthy Mind, maybe if I live long enough to go CI/GhostReaver?

Anyone else been having intermittent lag/disconnects today? I had just got past Piety when I got booted lol, whew.