um… I’m pretty sure we get to try again! Pretty sure.

RIP me (QtTHREE_HC_BF_OCC) trying lab at lvl 35.74… too much bleed, not enough DPS, alas.
Life 1126
ES 359 Armor 419
Mana 343

I had just picked up Bladefall, but still didn’t have the Dex to even equip it.

Spoiler skill tree:

Welp, character #2 died. Poor Patty decided to try one of those incursion-type thingies and got swarmed immediately and killed. Only level 29. Pour one out.

Ok, im in. Have not played this game for years.

New to the incursion thing. Should I be doing them on every zone or saving it for when they drop better loot?

Might as well do all the incursions - they reset after each temple run anyway, you never run out. Just be cautious in hardcore, 'cause it be dangerous up in there.

Qtothreewitch RIP. lvl. 14 and died in the temple. Room 8 of 8, and was summoning many minions. I had never had to use my flasks until that room, and too late I noticed a sneaky boss get on my flank at a 4 way intersection as I pushed up. It was sudden and heartbreaking.

Had such a great time, think I’ll try another run.


Level 40

Died at 30 the first time I tried a Trial of Ascendancy. I didn’t know what I was getting into and near the end when a rare mob was taking potshots at me while I was crossing the spikes, I didn’t realize it was the spikes doing 90% of the damage to me. I’ve continued playing since death, up to act 8 now, and all but two of my deaths have been to either act-ending bosses or various mechanical traps.

DamnUDareso just hit 41. Cruised (relatively) past Daresso and Kaom this time around. I’m about to take on Malachai, but wanted to knock off normal lab and hopefully have a few better bits of gear drop beforehand.


Anyone else still going?


Was cruising. Dunno what happened there. Stage 1 went fine, then stage 2 Innocence just seemed to stop taking damage at about 66% health. Was coping with the damage fine, then I just popped from out of nowhere. Think I got killed by the fireball bullet hell orb, but did not see it spawn. Innocence was half a screen away. I was just thinking of TP’ing out because it seemed off. Weird.

RIP Level 46.