The Russia is getting more evil thread

I’m skeptical that will work. It sounds an awful lot like the Bush plan for Iraq post-invasion. It seems more likely that if he wants to control people and events in Ukraine, he’s going to have to leave forces there to do that. And the people will object.

Sorry I misinterpreted the meaning of the hypothetical in your quote.

Apparently that’s a video by from a year ago by a Russian automechanic/influencer.

Was thinking about this over the weekend…

if Belarus commits some decent number of its army guys to the Ukraine, wouldn’t it be a great time for those pro-democracy Belarussians to take back their country [since the last election(s) were rigged/shams]?

Correct me if I’m wrong but wasn’t Zelensky the “pro-Russia” candidate a few years ago? (Sorry if this was answered/discussed earlier in this thread)

I feel like we aren’t far away from someone pounding on the desk with their shoe.

The idea that giving Japan nukes would prevent a Ukraine situation is kind of wrongheaded.

Japan isn’t going to get invaded by anyone, because the US has permanent bases in the country. If you invade Japan, you are going to kill US servicemen, which means you are at war with the US.

There may be utility from the US perspective in having nukes in Japan, and presumably they world still be completely under is control, but I’m not sure exactly what the benefit world be.

Things I hope are true

Bald and Bankrupt (travel vlogger) was in Ukraine during the invasion.

It’s more of a signal to China.

China and Russia, remember there is disputed sovereignty claims over several of the Kuril islands between Russia and Japan.

It’s also really hard to invade on its own. Just consider the projections of the cost of invasion of Japan from the most experienced and well-equipped amphibious force in history against a battered Japanese military.

Yeah, but what’s the signal?

I mean, it’s definitely going to make them angry, and potentially give them an excuse to do something bad in defense… but I’m not sure what the benefit is.

I mean, to give us the ability to launch nukes from the west pacific? We already got nuke subs that can launch them from pretty much wherever, right? We have ICBM’s that can hit anything.

I’m not sure what the strategic benefit to putting nukes in Japan is.

I mean set aside the fundamental question of whether Japan having nukes hosted changes the fundamentals vis a vis China and Russia in any meaningful way. The fact that Abe openly is talking about this seems a profound change in thinking about the threat they pose and how to deal.

Japan, more than any country, would have reason to be skeptical and treat with solemn severity the power of nukes. This wouldn’t be something I imagine they talk about lightly.

Regarding this, it turns out this girl is a Russian auto mechanic, and this video isn’t from Ukraine. It’s from some kind of Top Gear type thing she does in Russia.

You nuke me, I nuke you.

It gets rid of a lot of uncomfortable conversations you might otherwise have.

Japanese ability to independently engage even if the US elects another isolationist moron.

(This post not to be taken as an endorsement of Japan, fucking war criminal)

Yes. Putin has changed contemporary thinking about the value of collective security arrangements.

I doubt there are any circumstances under which Japan would have effective control of US nuclear weapons positioned in Japan. A hosting arrangement doesn’t work like that.

So Japan thinks nukes maybe aren’t so bad and Germany thinks maybe it should have a bigger army. Thanks 2022. You’re the best.

Must be kind of a slow war day…