The Russia is getting more evil thread

…and one farm boy.

Hmm but Japan is regarded as having the ability to manufacture its own nukes at will (i don’t know how many weeks/days it would take them).

Perhaps this is a halfway step that is politically-viable?

From The Guardian:

Turkey will limit Russian access to Black Sea – Erdoğan

Turkey’s president, Tayyip Erdoğan, has said Turkey cannot abandon its ties with Russia or Ukraine, adding that Ankara would implement a pact on maritime passage from its straits to prevent an escalation of the war, Reuters reports.

Turkey described Russia’s invasion as a “war” on Sunday, which allowed it to invoke articles under a 1936 international accord that will limit the passage of some Russian vessels from Turkish straits. Turkey shares a maritime border with Ukraine and Russia and has good ties with both.

Speaking after a cabinet meeting, Erdoğan criticised what he called the “indecisive” stance by the US and western powers to Ukraine’s invasion, saying the approach was a sign of a failing international order.

He said Turkey would not compromise from its commitments to its alliances, including Nato, but that it could also not turn back on “national interests” in its region. He repeated that he found the Russian invasion unacceptable.

Despise them so much. They keep killing civilians and even their pets. Don’t watch this video unless you want to be devastated for the rest of the week.

I would have thought it was the third rail of Japanese politics until now. That someone of political stature is even suggesting it is remarkable.

If someone nukes Japan, like I said, they’re gonna be killing Americans, and American military personnel.

So, they’re ALREADY going to get nuked in response.

This would suggest that the US would actually give Japan nuclear weapons to control on their own. There’s no way this would happen.

Not even in the event of a Godzilla attack?

Scratch one APC:

I guess I don’t know who or what that guy shot with that RPG. Or who he is, or where.

Nah but wherever he is there ain’t no rule of law. He just fired off an RPG in a public place.

The GOP dream.

That’s not how security works. What matters is the treaties that come with those troops.

US troops were present in Kosovo when Boris Yeltsin sent troops to capture Pristina Airport, and Russian troops were literally based in Syria (just like US troops in Japan) when the US invaded and started bombing the hell out of it.

The presence of the Americans in Syria also didn’t stop the Russians from reinforcing and engaging in the war themselves, even leading to contact between Russian irregulars from the Wagner Group and US forces.

What matters is the treaty between Japan and the US.

I think a lot of US allies are freaked out by the prospect of another Trump presidency. A US treaty doesn’t have the same value in todays world as it did before 2016. Just ask the Iranians, they learned that the hard way.

I think many of us outside the US are starting to realize that we can’t just rely on a treaty with the US anymore.

So remember Russia claimed air supremacy earlier today?

These drones must be invisible to Russian radar

UA posting a LOT of drone footage in the past two days. They are getting their moneys worth from their TB-2 arms purchases from Turkey right before the war kicked off.


Aren’t nukes what brought Godzilla (like “Gojira” was so hard to spell BTW) up from the depths in the first place? And anyway, that’s what Ultraman is for.

I guess it’s the thought that counts.

And it would really piss off a lot of Japanese (at both the americans and their own government)

If we want to signal unambiguously that Japan is covered by the nuclear deterrant umbrella there are much better ways to do that than by basing nukes on japanese soil.

The issue of “what if the orange baboon gets into power” could be addressed by having multiple nations provide the guarantee.

Not gonna happen, for the simple reason that Belarus is full of Russian troops now - and they’re probably better at cracking down on dissent since they have no emotional attachment to the country or its people. Which may be the main reason Lukashenko was so eager to invite the Russians in indefinitely.

Train doesn’t seem derailed and only one car destroyed. Seems like the train designer might have won that one.

Not that it’s clear.