So I see CSL has started a thread, which, of course, I will stay out of. However, I’m going to do my posts in this thread, so that in addition to entertaining people, after the game is over, we can each laugh at what the other guy was thinking was going on.
While I encourage comments, of course, please don’t crosspost info that would ruin the fog of war for each of us.
This is my first PBEM game of AACW, however, I’ve played plenty of PBEM games of The Operational Art of War in the past, have a pretty good concept of Operational Warfare in general and I’ve been reading the AACW forums for strategic tips.
My first turn was pretty simple. With absolutely no unlocked units or reinforcement options, my sole actions were:
Buy up a couple replacement set of militia, with the hope that they’ll reinforce the garrison at Harper’s Ferry prior to CSL’s likely attempt to march up the Shenandoah and take it. Harper’s Ferry opens up another supply line to DC and another front to guard, and so while it’s not a a way for me to go anywhere really useful in return, I need to keep that valley bottled up.
Call for Volunteers to get more reinforcement points.
Call for Total Blockade of the South.
Invested in Industry across a variety of Northern states that have Excellent/Very Good/Good returns, with the exception of Missouri, because it doesn’t make much and it’s a contentious state.
My overall strategy for 1861 is the following:
Hold in the East – keep Harper’s Ferry and Alexandria if I can. I’m not going to throw my Eastern Army at Richmond, which will give me a Morale hit, but there’s just not enough troops and good commanders available for a good push.
I am going to scrape together an amphibious force of a division or so, and proceed to drive CSL nuts by amphibiously assaulting forts and cities along the Carolina coast. I can pick where I’m attacking, and it’ll force CSL to divert resources to Coastal Artillery and Garrisons. This will also should blood my good generals that I’m going to need to command my Corps and Armies in the future. With enough resources to a Navy, I should be able to maintain good presence in the Blockade Boxes, Atlantic box (for auto supply transport to ports), and ships and transports for tactical operations.
I want to secure Kentucky for the Union. This means not attacking Kentucky, with the hope that one of CSL’s generals screws up and flips the state into my camp. I want to take Columbus and Forts Henry and Donelson if I can.
I don’t care that much about Missouri. I need to hold St Louis to keep Illinois and Cairo safe, but beyond that, I’m not going to spend a lot of effort over there. I think I’ll fire all the towns and camps in the far west and bring all the Regular US troops I can to do real work.
I’ll need a few militia to garrison cities and depots behind the lines that don’t have auto garrisons. I can’t be distracted by cavalry raids.