The TV show you'd most like to be in

This is an awesome thread.

I’m torn between:

  1. A show where I am completely awesome and do all this cool stuff in space with robots and laser and spies and mysteries and what not
  2. A show where I live in the lap of luxury

Choices choices.

Star Trek: The Next Generation. First of all it’s a utopia with pajamas. Second, I could punch Wesley in the face. And most importantly I could be in any other TV show in the Holodeck.


Entourage. The worst thing that can happen to me is living in a penthouse. Yeah, Entourage seems right. Also every girl is hot. Every single one.

What if you were Wesley? Would you punch yourself in the face?

I’d go with Dollhouse or Eureka.

Yes, and that’s why everybody that didn’t say Doctor Who is wrong.

Only when there’s a Maenad in town. I don’t see the coroner getting any more action any time soon.

Does it have to be live-action or are we allowed to nominate an animated show (Japanese, Western or otherwise)?

It said show you’d like to be in. I assumed as something like a guest star, not the actual star. Because anyone not The Doctor has a really high chance of dying horribly on Doctor Who. Even companions usually have it quite rough.

I’m not so sure that’s a good idea. Doesn’t Wesley become a super being?

Listen, everyone should be picking Deadwood. You go back in time and BAM, you can become rich and famous. Rudimentary knowledge of medicine? Way better than what they have then! Create Advil! Designing the iPhone! Invent computers. I mean, if they had computers back then, just imagine how great computers would be now! You could become a BILLIONAIRE!

Just…just make sure you know how to build one from scratch without any real materials before you get there. Otherwise you’ll just look silly.

ST:TNG. I’d be tempted by Mad Men for all the sex and booze and generally being a jerk and getting away with it, but I think the crippling emotional dysfunction might impair my ability to enjoy all that.

Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous.

Think about it.