The Vanishing of Ethan Carter - ex-People Can Fly and photogrammetry

Their twitter said it should be uploaded to Steam soon.

Just coming to post that!

The Astronauts ‏@TheAstroCrew 9m
Final minutes of development for The Astronauts team. Uploading the build very soon.

Looks like I’ll be going home just in time.

Asps. Very dangerous.

You go first.

Download is up! 5.7GB


Well… It’s pretty.

Played some NS2 with friends, now I am too tired to play this. Tomorrow!

GoG version release is delayed. Developer tweeted it’ll be available for download ‘in the morning’ but unfortunately they didn’t say who’s morning, considering the developers are in Europe, GoG hq in the US (I think), and customers from all over.

The extras are up though. FLAC soundtrack is suitably creepy.

It sure looks nice. It has some bugs though, like invert mouse not working. I’ll wait for the fix.

Completed this tonight. Took about 3 and a half hours, but a bug ended up pushing it up another hour for me until I figured out what went wrong. I probably encountered about a half dozen bugs during the game. Voiced dialogue for the main character stopped working at one point, but it fixed with a restart. A door at the very end of the game wouldn’t open unless I quit to the main menu and reloaded the game. Another door just glitched into the ground and wouldn’t close completely. The worst one for me happened after solving a puzzle area and it ended in a weird way and I was sent back to the beginning of the area. I figured I had completed it, even went back to make sure and it wouldn’t let me progress so I thought I was done with that area, but nope, it just bugged out. I ended up having to do the puzzle again at the end of the game to see the ending.

If you have seen the 13 minute gameplay that was linked earlier you have seen everything the gameplay is. You find an item or two, return it to an area, interact with a corpse, figure out the chronology of how that person was killed, and then do it again in another area several more times. Besides those investigations there are also weird puzzle or story sequences to come across. My favorite happened early in the game and had me WTFing for a bit. The game could of used more craziness like that. The overall story was okay, though nothing too memorable. I thought there would be interaction with other characters, but there is no one to talk to. All the other characters are seen in past events when you finish a chronology.

I enjoyed my time with it except for the bugs, but the puzzles were mostly braindead, the investigation gameplay minimal, and the story was competent yet forgettable. It had some imaginative moments, I liked the soundtrack, and the world was quite gorgeous however.

So as we feared it’s a bit buggy, that’s a big amount of bugs considering the length.

It’s super shallow. The mystery is dumb and the “investigation” is tedious. I will admit that they threw me with the second puzzle. I was in serious WTF territory until the player character snapped out of his trance. Too bad, because I was really hoping it would be that interesting all the way through.

Also, why is this set in the US at all? Why not Poland, or just anywhere in Europe? It’s very obvious that this place is not in the US.

It is absolutely gorgeous. It’s a shame this tech will probably never be used in anything more interactive than this, because I’d love to see a better game in this eyegasm.

Too bad, Telefrog, though that was mostly what I was expecting. I’ll check it out in a sale for sure.

It’s almost too good looking. One of the first gameplay moments you encounter is the scene of a brutal murder, but the whole time I was investigating it, I was looking around, marveling at the lush countryside and beautiful vista.

Playing this tonight, I just gave it a test launch with my new GTX970, with everything set to the maximum this is what I am seeing. DAYUM!

Looks great! What framerate?

I just checked with fraps, between 45-60 fps.

Performance was good for me too. The base engine is UE3, so everything is fine if you can run that. The photogrammadamalingdong stuff is on their end.

That does look incredible!