The Witcher spoiler thread

I have played through only one ending and read some of the spoiler boards, so this is more like an educated guess, but yes to the endings, no to less xp/quests. The neutral way is a full-fledged alternative to siding with either side.

Similarly, does allying yourself with either of those factions give you more XP than staying neutral?

From what I understand, staying neutral will make both factions hostile towards you.

For some reason I can’t find the big ass Witcher thread, so I’m posting here…

I’m in Act II - where the hell is Velerad? I have like three quests I’m supposed to hand in to him; he’s supposed to be at the watchtower but he just isn’t there. What gives?!?

You have to talk to him outside the bank after you get out of the sewers. Then he’ll go back to the watchtower. I had the same trouble last night. As a bonus you’ll get the experience and close out the hostage crisis quest.

One other possibility - if you’re going into the top level of the watchtower, that’s not where he hangs out. You have to go downstairs.

Beat the game a few minutes ago. Very nice. Most challenging endgame fight by far for me was the Koshchey - lots of stabby and bleeding despite Kiss potions = unhappy me. But running around occasionally lighting it on fire or pounding on it seemed to work. Azar Javed, by contrast, wasn’t particularly hard. He couldn’t damage me much past my Swallow potion (I was level 37 by then.) and while he occasionally managed to pain me I recovered quickly. So I just Strong Styled the bastard and knocked him down with casts of Aard - not to get an instakill, alas, but it did keep him off balance a fair bit. (Tried Igni. Didn’t do much to a fire mage, as one might expect.) The sewer critter (name escapes me) was pretty much just whack-a-mole. And the endgame? Hah. I was potioned up to the gills at that point, with 1750 or so vitality from a Full Moon, 100-some Endurance from Marribor Forest, and Swallow and Golden Oriole pumping my regen rates, Wolverine raising my hit and damage rates, and…yeah. I checked. I could actually spam Igni pretty much infinitely - I recovered Endurance about as fast as I could spend it. Still more fun for most fights to throw in some swordplay, and a bit more effective too. So neither aspect of that final fight gave me any trouble…

So the question is, what are they going to do gameplaywise if they develop that sequel or expansion the ending seems to set up? I’m already a killing machine with a vast arsenal of potions and weaponry, I’ve got legendary armor, and although there’s room for a few more levels of advancement in my talent tree (I finished just shy of level 39.), I doubt it’d be enough to sustain a full game or even expansion.

Maybe Geralt will lose his memory!

WHat hostage crisis quest? I don’t have that one yet I don’t think…

You haven’t had the kid find you and tell you some squirrels have taken hostages in the bank? If you remember that but didn’t follow him, go to the bank and he’ll be outside waiting to give you the quest. He’ll be waiting outside the bank afterwards also until you talk to him to close it out. Otherwise he’s downstairs at the watchpost. Come to think of it, that might’ve been your problem all along. Did you check both floors?

So how the fuck do you fistfight? Most of the time when I click on my opponent it just makes Geralt duck (he gets hit anyway). I can’t at all figure out how to make him consistently throw a punch.

nm; it looks like somehow Witcher fucked up my mouse buttons and was registering my left click as a right click…

The fistfight controls are pretty sucky, but not that hard to master. Clicking on an opponent just initiates the swing, so if you click multiple times, you’ll never get one off. Click once and wait until you connect to click again.

I beat the game on the Scoia’Tael’s side but I’m curious about the other two endings. The ending itself seemed like a bit of a “fuck you” to the player, although I’d imagine the Order of the Flaming Rose has an even worse result.

I’m stuck in a cave, in the swamp level, in Act 2. I am looking for one of those stones (for the alchemist) and my path is blocked by big rocks. How do I break through them? I have tried the wind power but that has no effect on the boulders.
Do I need a miners pick or bombs or am I missing something?

Afaik you need to wait till act 3 until those rocks open. These are not the stones you are looking for.

If you haven’t already, I HIGHLY recommend getting the US uncensor patch.

Act 3? What? Why would they have a quest in Act 2 that cannot be completed until reaching Act 3 (disregarding the main story quest)?

Ok, thanks for that, I will keep on Witching.

Re: US uncensor patch; I don’t have the US version.

All of the Sephirot (that the alchemist is looking for) are obtainable in Chapter 2…you can’t finish the chapter without finding all of them. But apparently you are looking in the wrong place. (I can’t say as I have any idea which cave you’re talking about, myself.)

There are some secondary quests that take multiple chapters to fully complete. (And I think the primary quests you have immediately after the prologue mostly do too.)

Yeah I meant that the sephiroth isn´t behind those rocks. Those rocks will open up in act 3 for a different quest.

What does that do? Anything besides showing TEH boobies?

Yeah, I’m curious about this as well. I’ve heard about the dialog patches and that’s spiffy and all, but then the spoken word wouldn’t match up so that’s out for me. Does it do anything else other than show ta tas? I’m not saying that’s bad, but not really worth digging a patch up for it either.