The XBOX One

Yeah, there’s the art style, plus those types of games in general, I remember playing a lot of them in the Arcades back in the 80s. I played them because if I was in the arcade for an hour, it was one of the cheaper options. I could put in a quarter and play that style of game for a decent amount of time. But finally one day I decided, you know what? I never enjoy these types of games, so why should I play them just because they’re cheap? Better to spend way more money on racing games and sit down behind that steering wheel and actually have some fun. Or spend a quarter on Spy Hunter, which came out in 1983, so it was ancient by the time people were playing Streets of Rage style games. But man, Spy Hunter was so much more fun for me compared to those other games.

Arcades in general were interesting that way. I hadn’t really thought about them in years. I guess the Streets of Rage style game was the equivalent of an MMO to me in modern times. An economical way to spend the time, but just not fun.