The XBOX One

I have been known, on occasion, to play a game on one monitor, read QT3 on the second monitor, watch football/baseball on my iPad and listen to a podcast on my phone all at the same time.

Trying to play Skyrim:SE on XB1 but am finding the experience mildly infuriating because there’s a 1ish second delay on stick-movements for looking and moving. Is this normal with this game on console (played fine on my pc 5 years ago with mouse-look)?

I have an Elite controller and have been trying to mitigate some of this delay by altering my right-stick response sensitivity, but so far nothing is helping. If anyone has any tips. it’ll help keep the game from being uninstalled before I even get out of the fucking prologue.

PS no mods are in use yet

Nope. That doesn’t sound normal at all. I’m playing on the Xbox One and the game respond to input immediately, as you would expect.


Same here…no delays on Xbox One and save and load times have been improved from 360 version.


better deals on games through Microsoft’s online store. Check there instead of the Live Store on your console.

Recore is $15 and Gears 4 is $30. Those are for the Play anywhere.

I read an FTC study/paper that divided consumers into 3 groups: Millienals, Gen X and Baby Boomers. Supposedly (some of this info was researched by Neilsen(sp?)) Boomers consume 2 media/communication sources at the same time, Gen X 3 and Millenials 4. A media source would be like described above: texting on phone, surfing on phone, broadcast tv, streaming music, console game, etc. Millenial homes must be very noisy and chaotic sounding.

Thanks (maybe). Wasn’t the easiest to find but I found it for Gears 4. Now I’m not sure if you saved me $5 or cost me $30 :)

Was tired of waiting for Titanfall 2 and Gears 4 to download so I fired this up and got sucked in. Enjoying the story and atmosphere so far.

Added to Backwards Compatible list:

  • Oblivion
  • Trine 2
  • Astropop (XBLA title)
  • Medal of Honor Airborne

My brother’s going to be pretty excited about that last one. He considers MoH: Airborne the best shooter of all time.



Hey, apparently I own Trine 2 and didn’t know it, maybe it was GwG at some point?

Looking at the list, nope, never on GwG. Maybe you bought it on a Xbox Live sale of some kind?

Also, looking at that list again, holy shit, I own quite a few games on 360 I haven’t played. I hope those are all added to Backwards compatibility eventually.

Guess I must have, just don’t remember doing so. I don’t really know much about the game, not sure why I would have bought it.

My black friday xbox came in today. The blue is a lot uglier in my setup than I thought it would be. Like divedivedive, I’ve got a game in my list I don’t remember… Rise of the Tomb Raider. 99% sure I did not buy that. NM, it’s a free trial.

Requested to join the QT3 club thingy. I’m Kwizzam on there. I don’t do multiplayer much, but feel free to add me anyone if you want leaderboard competition & horrible Forza drivatars.

Oh yeah that reminds me - looks like there’s a Forza Horizon 3 club in-game, how do I get in in that? I gues this should go in the FH3 thread but what are ya gonna do.

Argh, looks like there’s a sort of unofficial game awards sale going on now - I notice Firewatch is marked down to $11.99 (from $20) and The Witness is at $26.99 (from $40), and I kind of want both. Do I want both? I do don’t I? Maybe just one now, one later? Argh, I said.

I haven’t played The Witness yet but Firewatch is delightful.

Both are great in very different ways.

The Witness is an incredible rich and deep puzzle game. One of the best puzzle games I’ve ever played, and you could easily spend 20+ hours in it. It’s a master class lesson in how games can teach complex subjects with zero words. The environment will hint and things and you’ll have an epiphany eventually.

It’s almost a Metroidvania - but you’re not unlocking abilities which let you get to new areas, you’re unlocking knowledge. You’ll discover a new concept the game teaches you, and suddenly something will click in your brain which makes you remember something you saw 10 hours ago that previously made no sense.

What’s also remarkable is that there’s a 2nd layer of puzzles to the game which aren’t immediately apparent - you could easily play through the entire game without ever discovering that 2nd layer, but if you do…you’re in for a treat.

Firewatch is wholly different, but worthy in its own regard. Maybe only 3-4 hours long, but packed with excellent voice acting, incredible art direction, great music, and it’s over before it gets old. Some have criticized the ending, but I personally loved it.

Note that I didn’t play either on Xbox One. I played The Witness on PS4 and Firewatch on PC. So YMMV, I can’t speak to how either runs on Xbox.

Thanks for the info. I am certain I would enjoy both games, and will likely play both in the near future, I’m just on the fence about buying one or both today. I hesitate to buy Firewatch on Xbox One partly because I understand it’s a “short and sweet” game, and I can probably get it even cheaper pretty soon on Steam. I have no problem with “walking simulators” (ugh) but those tend to drop in price pretty quick and I’m in no particular rush.

I am certain I would love The Witness, but I hesitate to get a game right now that will consume me. I’m kind of dinking around in several other games that I feel I need to put to bed - especially since one is The Witcher 3 and I’m having serious difficulty pushing forward with that one. I am a sucker for a puzzle game but I feel like I need to devote my attention to The Witness once I do start it. So I guess I just talked myself out of buying either? Damn, guess I could buy them and sit on them until later, but I’m trying to break myself of that habit.

OK - the clock on the wall tells me our hour is up, I’ll see you next week for another therapy session.

So I found out the issue with my download speed being so slow. Don’t know if this has ever been mentioned, but a cursory Google search didn’t turn up anything, so thought I’d mention it here.

As mentioned in the RB4 thread, I got the adapter that allows me to use the Ion drum kit, so I started playing that yesterday, and this morning, found out how to set up the machine to download all the songs I’ve already bought at once (although I’m disappointed that ‘Don’t Stop Believin’ didn’t make the cut), but once again, the download speed was extremely poor.

Then I figured out what was causing it. See, I was downloading things while I was streaming to my PC so I could keep an eye on things while working. Then went I went to play, I had to turn streaming off because it read that as my main input (microphone) and I needed it to switch to drums. The second I stopped streaming through the W10 app, the download speed picked up. Like 1000x faster.

tl;dr version - don’t try to download and stream to a PC at the same time.