The XBOX One

I feel like this is a post straight out of the worst example of stupid “console warzzzz” bullshit from the GameFAQs message board or something.

Really? “PRISM ONE”?

And the whole “power of the cloud” thing is called Azure. And yes, it’s been used fairly extensively for AI processing, especially for the first Titanfall as an example. All of the AI processing was offloaded to be managed by dedicated servers in Azure instead of locally on a host’s own device, which freed up a lot of local resources to be used for other things instead. Titanfall 2 continued this, though also operated on AWS and other datacenters too in addition to Azure. Halo 5, the entire Forza series, and other first party titles similarly use Azure to offload various types of processing.

It’s not a feature unique to the Xbox One, of course, but it is a feature which Microsoft owns wholly, enabling first and third party studios to use it for free or at significant discount, compared to what a studio would need to pay for similar capabilities through AWS or other such services.

Crackdown 3 is also using it in a similar way, where online multiplayer will have more effective destructibility by offloading physics processing to dedicated datacenters, compared to offline single player which will be more limited by what each individual console can render.

Yea, that was the only game I can recall being highlighted as a true "powered by the cloud"™ title; So Q4 2017 will have a lot of destruction then, hopefully.

Don’t forget to download Evolve today! So uh, anybody actually play that anymore?

Is it Clog Up Your Hard Drive day or something?

Well, misery does love company and so do I. I was always a bit tempted by Evolved, being a big fan of Left 4 Dead, but never did pony up for it. And now it’s free! Yay?

Oh hey, one other thing worth mentioning - apparently all Mass Effect DLC is half off on Xbox 360. I consider the DLC for ME 2 & 3 pretty essential, not fluff (ME 1 though - probably can skip). So if you had the base game and wanted to catch up, this is a pretty decent (and fairly rare) deal.

Hey, the one thing you can’t buy is other online players. MS probably has guaranteed some kind of action by making Evolve a GwG, so get it while you can.

Another new controller!

It’s got rubberized grips. $69.99. Coming April 25th.

But here’s an interesting thing coming for everyone:

A great way to use this new controller on your Xbox One is with Copilot – a new console feature that allows any two Xbox Wireless Controllers act as if they were one. As part of our commitment to enhancing gaming for everyone, Copilot makes Xbox One more inviting and fun for new gamers or those needing assistance — whether it’s parents who want to help their kids play, experienced gamers looking to play with novice players, or gamers who need unique configurations to play (e.g. with hands apart, hand and chin, hand and foot, etc.). The Copilot feature will be available through the Creators Update later this year.[/quote]

That’s interesting. My own Day One Xbox One controller is experiencing problems. By default it’s really easy to make its “resting position” so that the left thumbstick makes everything go upwards. So in Mass Effect, if I do nothing, my character starts moving forward. When watching Netflix, the interface appears and goes up to audio subtitle options. In the main menu, if I do nothing, the currently selected box goes all the way up to “home”.

It’s very annoying basically.

I looked under setting to see if they had a universal way to increase the deadzone on the left thumbstick, but all they seem to have is options to change all my buttons and thumbsticks around.

So I guess I might be in the market for a new controller.

Fuck co-pilot. Give us genuine co-op games.

I have a controller that does that too, it’s the right stick. But it’s kind of subtle, I didn’t notice it moving my character but while playing Mad Max and using the map screen, the map would ever so slowly zoom in. I thought the game was just bugged for a long time.

Yeah, my PS3 controller had that issue on the right thumbstick. It’s more tolerable on the right thumbstick since that thumbstick doesn’t control the interface in most programs. And it usually moves the camera, not the character in games.

I’m just mad because none of my four 360 controllers ever had this problem.

Hey, co-pilot sounds like a really great feature. I like that.

Co-pilot is also an amazing accessibility feature. Whether for parents playing with kids, or people with various kinds of disabilities, or otherwise.

MS itself is currently running a promotion for £26.50, which works out to $33, all taxes included:

In the US, it seems to be discounted to $39.99:

Simply go to the XBox Live Gold page ( Buy Xbox Game Pass Core — Xbox Game Pass Core 1 Month | Xbox , I believe), hit Join or Subscribe. If you were seeing the old price, it should refresh to the current promotion.

Not quite as cheap as the UK discount, but not a bad price.


Looks like we’ve got our GwG for April -

Ryse, April 1-30
Walking Dead Season 2, April 16-May 15

On 360, we get Darksiders the first half of the month and AC Revelations in the back half.

Not too shabby, unfortunately for me I already own them. Oh well.

Wow, that’s a really nice selection. Although I thought Darksiders was already part of GwG? I guess maybe that was the sequel?

I played through the Ryse campaign at launch from my brother’s copy, but it will be nice to revisit the game sometime if I can make time for it. I loved the story, and it is my favorite Crytek game by a hair over the first Crysis.

Oh cool is this the first time Darksiders and Revelations will be back compat?

I’m not sure - I was thinking like @Rock8man that Darksiders was already back compat but Revelations is new. It’s also probably my least favorite AC but what are you gonna do.

But if they’re starting to crank through the AC catalog I’m probably going to regret not picking up AC3 and Liberation when they were on sale last week.

Mordheim is on sale this week for $16, so I picked out up and played last night. Having a ton of fun, even if it can be brutal. Seems like a competent port, with just a few gamepad-related niggles (not during actual play, mostly during warband management).