The XBOX One

Well that definitively answers the question of “Does the Xbox One need exclusives to compare favorably with the PS4 to AntediluvianArk”.

The article says they may try to acquire PUBG, which makes sense, and then in the same sentence say they may try to acquire Valve, which is ridiculous.

Microsoft should just quit beating around the bush and buy Sony. Looks like they have a market cap around $65.5 billion and apparently MS is sitting on about $95 billion. That would be worth it just to watch certain people spontaneously combust.

Yeah, the fact that they’re almost all of the best console games this generation doesn’t matter if they don’t appeal to you.

In what universe? Horizon is frankly the only one I’d put that high. The best stuff this gen so far has been 3rd party.

In this universe the best console-only games this generation have generally been playstation exclusives. Unless you like the Nintendo stuff. Which a lot of people do. Or any other stuff, which a lot of people do. Subjective tastes expressed as absolutes is probably silly.

All right folks, it’s Tuesday morning, which usually means back compat updates! And this particular Tuesday we get three:

Spec Ops: The Line
The Darkness 2
The Adventures of P.B. Winterbottom

Very nice. The first two are really great games. The bottom one is kind of garbage, based on the demo I played at the time.

Nice, I’ve had a digital copy of that forever but haven’t played it yet. Especially after reading (most of) Significant Zeroes last year, my interest in SOTL has been piqued.

I thought I owned Spec Ops and Darkness 2 but turns out I have them on Steam. Anyway, might be worth noting that all three new releases to back compat today are part of the weekly sale, all are 80% off.

One day, you’re going to say Ninja Gaiden II. I hold my breath every week when you bump the thread.

I do a lot of holding my breath. I want the Crackdowns, Mercenaries 2, The Saboteur, Renegade Ops, Mark of the Ninja … well let’s just say my list is long.

But given that Ninja Gaiden 2 was published by MS and they brought the first one back with OG Xbox back compat, I would think your odds are pretty good. Someday.

Annoying. We downloaded Split Second this weekend and it still looks and plays as awesomely as ever on the Xbox One.

But we’ve got a strange problem where my One X is unable to download the 360 profiles after the emulation has started. It keeps failing and sending me to the test connection screen on the One. That one always works fine, obviously.

So we can’t sign in and don’t have any of our 360 progress on the new console. In the end, we gave up and went back to play on the 360 instead.

Has anyone had issues recently with BC and the One emulation mode not being able to connect to download a profile?

One possible difference is that I upgraded to the One X last year. I don’t remember BC issues on the original One. So maybe something is inhibiting the download on the new console?

I’m confused.

Is your One X designated as your home console?

It is indeed my home console. I’m guessing there is some issue with the profiles having previously been downloaded to the original One. But I’m not sure what it could be.

I can’t speak to your specific problem but I can tell you that I’ve upgraded to an Xbox One X myself recently and I haven’t had any difficulties with the backward compatability games that I play. Which doesn’t include Split Second, at least not yet. Does this problem happen with all your back compat games?

I think these might be the problem. There is no separate profile download for 360 BC on the XB1, whoever is signed in to the XB1 when the game is launched will be signed in for the 360 game. So if the profile isn’t already there for the XB1, you won’t be able to use it for BC purposes.

As far as BC saves, they are automatically done on the XB1 to cloud storage. You have to have Gold to use cloud storage on a 360, not sure if that’s relevant though.

We get a Thursday back compat release this week, Splinter Cell: Conviction is now able to be played on the Xbox One. And apparently 50% off as part of a Ubisoft sale this week.

Which one is conviction again? Is that the good one? Or is that the one where the guards are always going on and on, talking to FISCHER really loud, looking forward to what they’re going to do when they catch him? God, I couldn’t stand that one. But I heard the one after that was a good one again.

I have to laugh, because I get the last few Solinter Cells mixed up myself. I’m 80% sure I played this one, if it’s the one where Sam is kind of on the outs, not really affiliated with the Third Division with its Fifth Freedom or something. But then I see there’s one called Blacklist, and maybe that’s the one I played? They really do run together.