The XBOX One

I think the existence of Game Pass has kind of hurt the quality of Games With Gold recently.

Garden Warfare 2 is great, but I would imagine most people who had some interest picked up a copy by now or played through EA Access.

Is Republic Commando good? Never heard of it.

Garden Warfare 2 is wonderful. I’ve got over 100 hours in that.
I loved it enough that I almost wanted to buy a Funko Pop of Super Brainz.

Republic Commando is good, it’s a kind of squad-based, first person shooter set during the Clone Wars. As you can see, it’s an original Xbox game that is backward compatible on Xbox One.

Other than that game, not a great month for me. I already own PvZ2, and I’m not really interested in Adventure Time or Metal Gear, but I’m sure there are plenty of folks who are.

Yes it is. A well done FPS, looking forward to having a digital copy.

Is Adventure Time a cartoon I should have watched?

Not me. I played and enjoyed the first one (I love how whimsical and less stressful it made the usual warfare gameplay), but never got around to trying the second one. By all accounts, it’s really good. So March is going to be a great month for me.

You should enjoy it then there is a ton of content in this game.

In Garden Warfare 2 there is a sort of PVE map where you start every time you launch the game. You have your base and then the zombies have theirs across the map (which becomes your base once you switch to a zombie). You can either select discrete PVP or PVE missions and load into those or you can run around the map and goof around, explore, and fight AI enemies.

I don’t know how that was received by the wider community but it was a great feature for my son. It allowed him to try out all of the classes in a stress-free environment and even explore the combat verbs and possibilities without worrying about the expectations of other players. You even gain experience and progression for all actions in this zone. Many times he would fire up the game just to play in this zone and had a blast. Eventually he branched out into the co-op PVE maps, but the design of the large neighborhood zone is great for younger players or inexperienced players.

That sounds great. And my daughter will very likely enjoy that map too. Thanks for letting me know about it. It’s now on my list to try out as soon as it’s available.

Yeah Tom had a pretty glowing review of GW2 on the front page that got me to buy the game. I haven’t actually played it yet, but I’m totally going to one of these days.

GW2 has a medium length single player campaign as well.

There’s special multiplayer game modes that rotate every week.

These are usually pretty fun, or not fun at all. Last week we had a 5 v 5 5 round battle with a quickly shrinking map (like Fortnite). It was great, and probably the only time I’ve ever felt competitive in multiplayer. My chompers were going for goop kills :D

Oh, and if anyone likes grinding, it’s only around 800 hours to max out everything. I’ve seen a surprisingly large number of max ranked players.

Oh my yes.

Fry’s Electronics (USA) has the Duke controller on sale this week for 49$.

I wasn’t sure if this was worth mentioning or not, but I haven’t seen it on sale before & we probably have at least one member who’d want one. :)

How is this controller?

I’m intrigued at that price but worry it’s a bit of a one note gimmick.

Well I mean, how did you feel about the original Duke? That’s probably how you’ll feel about this one. I like mine, but I really dug having that enormous controller in my hands, so apparently I was an outlier. Now I still prefer the basic Xbox One controller for Xbone games, but for back compat stuff, especially old original Xbox games? Yeah, Duke all the way.

Heh. That doesn’t seem surprising given how things went.

Personally speaking though, I miss the Don Mattrick driven stuff about the Xbox One, even though it led them to lose this generation. I miss the Kinect stuff working properly like it used to. I miss watching TV and playing games at the same time most of all.

The guy was horrible for Xbox in general, but those features were wonderful for me for 2-3 years of the console’s life cycle.

So Just Cause 4 popped up on Game Pass. Cool for subscribers but I guess it didn’t sell to well then.

I don’t see it on my Xbox Gamepass yet, but I’ll snag it when I do.

Based on customer feedback (Steam reviews etc), apparently it’s even worse than the third one. I was excited for it until its reception. I’ll still try it, but I do wish they’d get the series in order.

Edit: Rebooted, ahh there it is. 52gig. Well, here we go. I hope destroying stuff is at least fun again.

Wow that was quick.

While it’s generally a plus to see recent AAA releases show up, if MS is not careful, XGP will get a reputation for being the home of games that disappointed at retail. Off the top of my head, there’s Onrush, Shadow of the Tomb Raider, Hitman, Life is Strange 2, and Strange Brigade.