The XBOX One

That looked suspicious to me too, and then she’s talking about playing it on her commute on the London Underground. Are subways known for their free rock-solid WiFi?

I don’t know about London, but the Metro in Oslo has a pretty solid underground 4G connection.But I’ve no idea if it is it good enough to stream Forza.

The Tube has decent wifi in stations, but not in the tunnels.

Here’s the demo if anyone wants to see:

I watched the stream demo a couple more times, looks real to me. Just laggy. Forza is responding to the taps pretty much the same way it does while driving slowly.

Reminded me of when I tried to play Dirt 3 on PS Now.

I think it could’ve been a better demo if they had the team member showing it off instead - or played a different game.

Canada deal for Costco members:

Apex Legends mixer packs went out for Hype Zone peeps.

As kerzain mentioned there was only a chance to win. No xbox message with a code this time, it’s auto added on your account. Check this to see if you got one:

I got one! But I didn’t realize this was the $5 pack, I thought it was the $29.99 pack. Woopsie. No big deal, but I forgot the small one even existed.

I got a note that I won something but I couldn’t read the whole thing. Maybe it was this?

Whoops, I kind of wanted to play Late Shift, looks like I better get a move on.

You should. It’s quite short and has an interesting story.

That was my first thought too when I read that story earlier today.

Funny thing is, I had just uninstalled Late Shift recently in order to install Forza Horizon 4 again.

Vampyre on sale this week for $15 (Gold members). Anyone want to weigh in before I, uh, bite? Specifically, did anyone try the Story mode that was put out a few months after release?

Man, too many damned things on my plate. I wasn’t able to get use out of Game Pass’ two months this time. I still have it until first week of April, but I haven’t been able to play as much Crackdown as I’d like. On the Xbox, when I sit down and the TV is actually free, I usually use those 10-15 minutes to play Dead Cells. I just can’t resist that game.

But wait, Crackdown 3 is on PC as well! And I have it installed! But no, DiRT Rally 2.0 came out and I can’t resist that. And then the original Diablo came out on GoG, so I’m playing through that as well.

Crackdown 3 I still play on the weekends, but progress is slow since I’m usually out of practice by then. I’m only 10 hours in or so, and I have most of the stuff in the starting district except for one Police Station and one chemical plant, both of which seem to be impossible.

Whereas I have been unable to get Crackdown 3’s hooks out of me, despite the fact that I am still in the middle of Anthem and just started Division 2. Those orbs, they are a-callin’!

My main problem is that I usually only get 10-15 minutes, and that’s not enough time to get much done. Not on the highest difficulty anyway. I can’t wait until I’m much higher on the power curve, where I can take people one on one without having to retreat and come back.

That’s one reason I keep playing Crackdown 3 is because it works great in 15 minute increments, I can jump in, noodle around and put it aside. Of course I’m not playing on the highest difficulty, because I’m no masochist.

There’s your answer on whether to buy Vampyre for $15 I guess.

Well, okay then. I was leaning ‘no’ anyway, because this cool-looking little indie RPG Outward comes out next week, and Vampyr has gone on sale regularly (though those is the cheapest it’s been).