They Came From Hollywood

I can’t imagine anything at Disney that wouldn’t be improved by letting Sparky loose on it. Mr. Toad’s Wild Ride excepted.

Actually, scratch that. A Sparky version of Mr. Toad’s Wild Ride? That’s what I’m hoping for.


make it a 2D side scroller. Much easier, and would still rule.

…I got loose on It’s A Small World once in 1976, and my family was banned from the park for years!

It was also the last time they replaced the water.

Which, by the way, was awesome! My daughter loved that attraction.

Ahem now finish the game dammit!

The instant it’s ready to show, let me know and I will get it on X-Play.

Aww, thank you! Hopefully that will not be too far into the future…

…if the nuclear fog isn’t too bad, we will fly down to New-New Los Angeles with our personal jetpacks and bring along our Robot Valet*. Maybe Tom Chick’s Disembodied Brain In A Jar can be on the show, too. Shame about what happened to him at the Jurassic Park**, but thankfully President Gallant’s*** recent legislation provides viable containers for all Disembodied Americans, even uninsured freelance writers and the previously cryogenically frozen.

  • has Stephen Fry’s digitized voice
    ** don’t taunt the dinosaurs
    *** she’s great!

Hey, I’m working on something for Disney too! But I’m at the Land instead of the World.

When it’s done I will just go back to teaching. <sigh>

And yes, Tink comes in while you’re asleep and fills your mouth with pixie dust until you suffocate and die.

Sparky, is this project still alive?

Don’t get me wrong, I still long to crush dirty hippies at Burning Man, but I’m more interested in if Sparky’s children bedtime story, Goodnight, Nyarlathotep is going to be published.