Things you should never, under any circumstances, ingest but are technically food

Somehow I wasn’t following that thread so I’d forgotten about it!

I just watched Alton Brown put ketchup in tomato sauce. This answers the question, does Alton Brown smoke weed?

X-post from WTF, 2020 thread:

“No but really, what are you drinking?”
“I said, DING DONGS! What are you, deaf?”

I’m getting chest pains just looking at that picture.

I always feel so betrayed by Snoballs. They look so incredibly delicious, but they’re not.

Conceptually, they look a bit like these, which are delicious:

Not really. Mallomars have a flavor profile that’s basically s’mores. Snoballs have a coconut/chocolate flavor. The filling is cream, and the cake is soft so there’s no texture like mallomars have.

I kinda like snoballs actually, because they’re pretty unlike anything else.

I don’t recall cookie on the bottom. I guess they are different in Europe.

Dear ghod I miss Mallomars. We could only get them in NY in the cooler months. Get them in Florida? Never. ::sigh::

They would melt in Florida. (Not sure if they use refrigerated trucks.)

The Winn Dixies near me have Mallomars. If this damn pandemic ever lets up and we get together again I’ll bring you a couple packages.

I know this because my wife’s father (from New York, originally) would fly in and we would try to get some for him in advance since he couldn’t get them where he moved to in the Southwest.

Mallomars are my Dad’s favorite treat, and here in New England, yeah, all the stores stop carrying them as soon as it gets hot. But at least we have cold winters. My Dad starts scouring the stores as soon as it starts getting close to autumn, waiting for them to reappear on the shelves…

Dagestan. Doctors pull 4 foot snake from woman’s mouth.

Did they check any other locations for additional snakes?

I’m sure they looked down her throat and up her records.

Excuse me?

Having been served an $8 whiskey sour at a bad music venue that was just bottom shelf quasi-bourbon mixed 50/50 with Country Time lemonade, the Dewgarita wouldn’t even be the most disappointing drink I’ve had.

I wasn’t asking the question “What could be worse than a Bud Lite Lime-arita?”, but now I have the answer.

And now we also know what 2020 looks like in cocktail form.