Things you should never, under any circumstances, ingest but are technically food

From a Verge piece:

Just $2.49 will get you a 5-piece order of these coagulated orange clumps of processed cheese, and they come with ranch dressing dipping sauce because The Burger King knows taste.

I draw the line at the ranch dipping sauce. Ranch is the devil’s semen.

Okay. Now you are just being gross.

Well I’ve tried the Mac N Cheetos a couple times now and I do like them, but they’re too pricey for what you get. They were also considerably better the first time since they were nice and hot. Like with fries, the experience diminishes rapidly with the temperature.

I was totally underwhelmed with the Mac and Cheetoes. Maybe it’s because I tried them lukewarm, but I doubt I’ll give them a second chance.

I’ll just deep fry my own mac and cheese at home.

Technically, this is all okay to eat, but why would you pay $6 for a bowl of cereal and milk?

Cereal has been picking up steam as a food trend in NYC for a little bit now.

I don’t understand it’s popularity, but I guess Kellogg’s might as well jump on it while it’s hot.

I’ve seen articles talking about the decline of cereal sales in that last five or so years. They are essentially a sugar delivery system. This goes against recent health trends. So I guess their plan is to sell bowls at ridiculous prices to recoup profits?

Yes and no. “Sugary” cereals have cut a lot of sugar out, and are often heavily fortified with vitamins and minerals. Since they are processed foods, it is easy to assume they are “unhealthy” When, if you are looking to cut out sugars at breakfast, you should be skipping the glass of OJ instead.

As I understood the issue, cereal consumption has been declining because people now get up and out and typically will grab a protein bar versus pouring a bowl of cereal. So it had more to do with the pace of everyday life and less to do with health reasons (or maybe half and half).

Yes. It’s a big deal because the industry is still enormous and so changes in consumer preferences are causing a lot of money to move around. A vast amount of grain production is dedicated to breakfast cereal, with similarly vast amounts of capital and real-estate dedicated to it. Saskatchewan produces an insane amount of wheat for cereals, for example.

What blows me away about it all is that according to the data, millennials eschew bowl cereal because it’s too much trouble to clean up.

Almost 40 percent of the millennials surveyed by Mintel for its 2015 report said cereal was an inconvenient breakfast choice because they had to clean up after eating it.[/quote]

Having spent the last 7 years scraping the hardened bits of cereal-gunk off the sides of bowls left half-full in the sink by my dearest girlfriend, I can kinda imagine why, TBH. WHY IS IT SO HARD TO JUST FILL THE BOWL COMPLETELY WITH WATER SO THE STUCK-ON BITS DON’T STICK ON MORE???

Ahem. I’m alright, I promise.

Or just get those single serving boxes. Cut them open and add milk. Throw it away when done. That’s still a thing right? It was when I was a kid.

I used toe at loads of kellogs variety packs as a kid. They’re still around, yet I didn’t figure out/hear about their milk-proof nature until well into university. :(

No comment.

A one word question… “Why?”

Kids love pizzaburgers? I know I never did, but it seemed like everyone else went apeshit for em.

Of course, it’s never going to look remotely like that picture. I’m actually curious what sort of nightmare the actual product ends up as.

An ex-girlfriend introduced me to sushi. At first I was totally against it but of course I ended up trying it, and I loved it. We got to experimenting with unusual things. Finally we decided to try uni sashimi. That’s sea urchin. Mistake. She ate hers. Mine got stuck in my throat. It was like cold, salty snot. I was moments from vomiting two Kirin Ichibans and half a dozen pieces of sushi. I grabbed a napkin and pretended to sneeze into it. (Considered really bad form in Japan) So embarrassed. Other people consider uni an amazing delicacy. Yeah, well, other people eat maggoty cheese too.

Edit: This should have been in the Dare thread, oh well.

I love sushi, but that is where I draw the line. I learned that pretty much the same way you did ;)

I would give my eye teeth for a “real” pizza burger like I had as a kid in Minnesota in the late '70s-early '80s. I think I had more pizza burgers than pizza when I was young.