This is a thread for PS+ (PS Plus) members


He’s not the [target] demographic for Dragon’s Crown. I had to read it twice too.

I’m trying to be cool! demo, hella, feels, hashtag!

Next week’s games announced.

North america gets:

[indent]Joe Danger
Playstation All Stars Battle Royale
Velocity 2X[/indent]

Playstation All Stars Battle Royale

Velocity 2X[/indent]

Aside from TxK, that’s a pretty underwhelming line up. :/

Cool, I have none of those. Joe Danger and TxK sound nice.

I have everything for September except Joe Danger and Velocity 2X, and the latter is a new game anyway.

That’s the weakest of weak sauce lineups ever. Even the video host is underwhelmed:

To each their own! Joe Danger is a pretty cool game, TxK is apparently great, same goes for Velocity 2X, Hoard is well regarded in certain circles so I’m curious, and Sportsfriends (if you have people to play with) is fantastic for Barabariball alone (think Smash Bros. meets volleyball). Super Pole Riders is a laugh, Hokra I’ve no idea about but looks to have a lot of depth (4 player only) and JS Joust is unparalleled with the right crowd, enough space and enough Move controllers. Sportsfriends is obviously quite demanding but it’s great to have when you’ve got friends over. I think it’s a really solid line up, Sony Smash Bros. aside!

This is a bit off topic but something that tends to annoy me. Polygon, for some reason, decides to have their writers visit the official Playstation Blog and essentially copy+paste the info, grab the Sony-created video and post the exact same thing that is better formatted and better presented on the Playstation Blog. They seem to do this with easily 50% of the content that appears on Sony’s blog. I know a lot of videogame journalism does consist of recycling press copy, but Polygon is barely even putting effort into the practice…not even adding a few snarky lines as is the custom.


Also that is a pretty weak lineup for next month.


TxK is indeed a fun game, but not one I have put very many hours into.

This lineup makes Sony look like they took the opportunity of the change to go small with the releases.

In other news, Transistor is $5 off this week.

I’m not terribly impressed with that lineup (and already have the fantastic TxK), but I’ve gotten enough good games from PS+ over the past few months to hold me over :)

Forgot to mention there’s also Don’t Starve (Vita) on tuesday, if you grabbed it as a PS4 PS+ title earlier this year. It will include the DLC as well.

Taking that into consideration I’m pretty happy with this month. I would be disappointed if I didn’t own a Vita though.

Sportsfriends is fantastic as long as you have multiple controllers and multiple friends.

But what am I going to do with all the free time in September when I’m not playing Diablo 3 or PvZ or Destiny?

Crap, I almost forgot to grab those PS4 games! I don’t really WANT them, but I’m not about to let them slip through my fingers.

good lord that is a weak-ass lineup of free games.

I’m not sure you could pay me to play them.

TxK is free! Doesn’t matter, I bought it already. Of the others, now that they are free I might want to try them all.
One thing for sure, I’m renewing my PS+ subscription for one year.

Well, yeah. As a subscription to the random game of the month club, it’s still a hell of a value.

Right now, 3 platforms x 2 games x 12 months = 72 games per year. $50 / 72 = $0.70 per game.

Someday, the PS3 will be dropped from the program, I’m betting by the end of 2015 at the latest.

I’d bet the end of 2015 at the earliest, not the latest. Remember that there are still major PS3 releases scheduled through 2015, including some that aren’t cross-gen.

I would be surprised if fewer than half of current PS+ subscribers only have a PS3, or only have a PS3 and a Vita. Suddenly telling those people “hey, we’re cutting your platform, even as new games continue to come out for it” is a terrible way to retain them as customers.