This is a thread for PS+ (PS Plus) members

Hmm, with TxK coming out for PS Plus I think I’m officially going to hold off on impulse purchases for smaller PlayStation games. TxK is the second game that I bought on impulse when it came out and only played an hour or two, that was later made a PS Plus game. (The other being Towerfall: Ascension.)

Here’s hoping you’re right. Instead of getting a PS4, which still has nothing that interests me a year after its release, I recently picked up a PS3. With PS+ and some recent sales on PSN, I’ve already got a backlog that will take me longer than the end of 2015 to play through. Not to mention Persona 5.

That Sportsfriends game, is like Sony commissioned some studio to make a quirky indie game-ske for the Vita, and they had to stop development and package a release by mid development. Or something.

Or maybe theres a Cabalt of Vectorial Graphics Design On Sony Products. But applying the Occam’s Razor rule, I have to ignore this possibility.

Its a thing I think I am going to download and try.

TxK is a thing I can’t care for. I played arcade salon games in 1987, and I had enough.

Here on my country some PS4 games are 70€. I don’t know if thats some sort of joke with a straight face, or trolling because they don’t really plan to sell games here. If they are not serius, I am not going to take this console seriusly.

  • insert some sort of motivational joke here *

There seems to be some confusion here.

Sportsfriends is a compilation of local multiplayer games that was kickstarted a while ago, and includes convention darling Johann Sebastion Joust, which was unavailable to play outside convention settings for a long time.
(JS Joust - you try to jostle another player’s controller while he does the same to you. The amount of “jostle” allowed is keyed to the music’s tempo, meaning you can run around when it’s faster, and have to stand very still when it is slower. It’s cool, and works with sixaxis, but needs Move controllers to be played “properly”.)

It also includes a game by Bennett Foddy (who made QWOP).

It isn’t everybody’s cup of tea, certainly, but they’re from a pretty cool experimental games corner of the industry, and it is sort of amazing that Sony chose to feature them in this way.

Sounds awesome.

I agree, and nicely explained. I haven’t played JS Joust yet unfortunately, or Hokra (because it’s 4 player only), but Super Pole Riders by Bennett Foddy is good silly fun and Barabariball looks to have a lot of depth beyond its simple visuals. Two player, they’re great, but with four I’m betting they’re even better, particularly the latter with its Crouching Tiger-esque air play. Definitely worth checking out if you’ve got a bunch of local gaming friends.

Sportsfriends is one of those things I’ve seen gushed about on the internet by devs and gaming media folks for ages whose appeal completely eludes me. Much like Nidhogg. But hey, free.

Don’t miss the two hidden games in Sportfriends. You can find the codes online (one is a modified Konami code). One of the hidden games (Get On Top) is also by Bennet Foddy, I think, and it’s dead simple but I find it almost endlessly fascinating to play.

My friend who got some exclusive stuff with his Sportsfriends Kickstarter pledge got an earlier version of Get on Top which we thought was better than the Sportsfriends version. It felt slower and much more deliberate. In the new one, the rounds are over in seconds (of that!) and we just didn’t feel like we had nearly as much influence over the game as we previously did. My friend contacted Bennett Foddy about it and he said this: It sounded like a terrible meta-game to me! But if you found it fascinating then perhaps we were not in the right zone for it? I know Foddy’s games are as much about wrangling with the controls as they are the other player, so that repetitive friction might start to spark over lots of super quick bouts.

Of the Sportsfriends Kickstarter bonus games we played, Tennnes was one of our favourites. It’s made by Jan Willem Nijman, one of the guys from Vlambeer, so it has this almost inexplicably great feel about it. It’s so minimal and stripped down but it’s light and responsive and just works so well as a tennis game with intense rallies, risky power shots and sly chips over the other player. There’s subtlety and nuance to it, far more than you’d ever expect by looking at it. I’m not much of a tennis fan but Tennnes? Hell yeah. I’d love to play doubles on it.

I’m trying to think what the other Sportsfriends ‘secret’ game was… Flop? A kind of souped up physics-y floppy Pong? That was pretty fun actually and was certainly a refreshing change to the usual Pong which has always bored me to tears (sorry!).

Yeah, the other one’s the floppy Pong. Now I wish it was Tennnes! That looks great, and I didn’t care much for floppy pong.

Not having played the old Get On Top, I will say that indeed the super-quick rounds of the new one are part of the fun for me. There’s not really a strategy–you just get time for a first gambit and a reaction (and usually, you’re just flailing), but win or lose, you’re on to the next round and you get to try again. Then as the points rack up you start to get a sense of who really has learned some skills in the game.

Sorry to say TxK just isn’t my bag. What a strange game. At least with space giraffe you had a very unique way of getting a higher score. This is like taking space giraffe and making it less interesting.

Velocity 2X is pretty fun, the reviews for it also have been fantastic in case you needed any kind of outside validation.

Don’t Starve is pretty amazing on the Vita, and I am enjoying Joe Danger so far.

Is there a reason I cant download a PS Plus game on vita and PS4? I downloaded Velocity2X on my PS4 but when i tried on my vita it gave me an error message and now the download option is greyed on on the vita store.

I can’t recall, but if it’s not cross-buy you may have to “buy” the PS4 version separately. Otherwise I have no idea.

It is cross-buy, so that shouldn’t be an issue. Are you looking in the download list on Vita, or the game’s page in the store? If it’s your download list there should be 2 different entries, one for PS4 which would be greyed out, and a second Vita one.

Not sure what happened but I was able to clear the error message and resume the download and now it worked fine.

This month’s titles (NA):

[indent]Batman Arkham Asylum
D&D Chronicles of Mystara
Rainbow Moon

[indent]Driveclub Lite
Pix the Cat

[indent]Pix the Cat
Rainbow Moon

Hmm, a pretty light month. Spelunky is amazing, hopefully everyone has bought it by now.

Ooh, don’t have Spelunky on the ps4, that is a good grab.