Tiny Islands - Post your Dailies here!

Slowly getting better.

I’ll definitely take a 70.

Honestly thought I had done hideously, but somehow ended up with a 66! No idea how that happened, but I’m not complaining.

(@arrendek - I see we both made good use of corner boats, haha)

Corner boats are the best boats. :D

Felt like I was doing better than I did. 55.

Didn’t feel great about today’s at all. Ended up with 58.

I was very tempted to skip posting today’s, but it doesn’t seem right to only ever post the “good” scores.

Anyway, pretty sure this is a new low for me - 37. Not sure whether I just made realllly bad decisions (probable) or just whether today’s options were really bad across the board.

I did poorly too.

My score is 42, but I decided to be a little experimental today too and create one long island to see how that played out. I lost a wave score because of it, but otherwise I think this might just be a difficult day.

I also had a couple of things that didn’t work out like I’d hoped, but nothing catastrophic, thankfully. 56 here.

Damn double wave with same location card at the end messed me up. :(

I feel okay with a 55 today.

@Nightgaunt: Thanks for this thread, would never have found this wonderful little timewaster otherwise.

First time I’ve tried my hand at a daily. 63

Couldn’t manage to link any trees together but loads of points for mountains.

Not a great score, but I like the map.

I like the unorthodox approach!


Very kind to me today. Nothing really went wrong and I barely needed more than one island.

  1. Experimenting a little more. I think the draw combined with your specific focus for where you decide to build your islands can make or break you more often than not.

Another not-great day. I think I’m focusing too much on churches/houses.

Yours looks a lot like mine. I think the island locations are what boned us today.

Another hideous day for me too… 45. Early on I tried to cluster a bunch of houses in one area in the hopes that I’d get a church to plop down up there but it never materialized.