Tiny Islands - Post your Dailies here!

Ha! I see you fell prey to the same boat situation that I did.

Me three!

Again with the damn boats!

(again it came out pretty well, though.)

I made a mountain range! It barely scored any points, but still.

I only think to do one every few days - but if I don’t post, just pencil me in for 60, 61 or 62.

Today was finally above that

Meh. Best I’ve ever done with boats, but at what cost? Only 56 total.

I made a lake. I wasn’t planning to, but Tiny Islands is a harsh mistress.

I misclicked and put some waves in the middle of my first island, so I figured I might as well follow it up with the boat. But then at the end I got hosed by both a second church and a mountain. By far my worst showing ever. :’(

Ouch, @ooomalley! That was rough!

A lot of missed potential for me today:

Yeah it was brutal.

Today, too many forests and beaches (that mountain never came through…)

Mountain range.

Mountain and Church power

Also, there’s a new free game by the maker of Tiny Islands. Build a randomly chosen object each day using only 20 Lego bricks. Clever.

Yeah, my churches did well for me today! 66 total.

I saw three ships come sailing in…

I thought I had too many waves and beaches, but came in at a very respectable 68.

This one was frustrating, because I felt like I keep getting good accessories for my first island but rarely the actual houses or mountains to cash them in.

OK, so I cheated and played the daily again–really I meant to do a random shuffle, but accidentally clicked the daily shuffle out of habit. So it doesn’t count, but wow, that BME (big mountain energy):