To Ogre or not to Ogre!

I have one. But she’s asleep in the other room. ::rimshot::

No longer a Kickstarter virgin, even though I swore I wouldn’t throw my monies behind one of these things. $100. NOW WHERE IS MY GAEM MR> JACKSON

Just the thought of pushing one of these big OGREs across an enormous map…sigh. Even just solitaire. Maybe someone at AFK Tavern is another OGRE-head.

Are you kind of near the middle of the east coast or do you live somewhere crappy? I could bring my copy over and we could make a map the size of a football field. Maybe we could get those pusher stick things like they have in movies about war.

Or hell man, we could set up a PBEM ladder or something crazy. Which would probably be hard, but screw it. OGRE, man.

I was thinking the future computer version can be where we play but we could plan our moves on our massive maps!

BTW, I live in NJ - anyone else? (jersey shore area and before anyone asks - no I do not like the show) :>)

Not to be the negative guy, because you know HELL YEAH OGRE, but that computer version isn’t even a done deal. Just saying let’s not get our hopes up too high too soon.

But the web page says they’re committed to a video game by sometime next year. Or are you not counting consoles and mobile as “computer versions”?

I’m just going by the email I got from the Kickstarter that said they were evaluating doing a video game. I haven’t heard them say that they’ve committed to releasing a computer version next year, so I guess I’m not up to date on this.

edit - I stand corrected, the Kickstarter page explicitly states that they are committed to releasing a computer game: “$300,000 - GOAL ACHIEVED! We are now committed to releasing an Ogre computer game, for some platform or platforms, by the end of 2014. It might very well be a lot sooner.”

I get the feeling it depends which SJG spokesperson is talking at the moment when it comes to the computer game. The first email concerning a computer version was a bit like well maybe we will after all. I believe one of the spokespeople was much more positive when one is reading through the comments sections or a more recent update.

How hard would it be to have a web application for keeping track of moves to help pbm type play?

I still want a computer version with AI but in the meantime it would be nice to have some type of record keeping (game master) of moves and die rolls like I have seen for some other board games.


There are Cyberboard options too.

Are you kind of near the middle of the east coast or do you live somewhere crappy? I could bring my copy over and we could make a map the size of a football field. Maybe we could get those pusher stick things like they have in movies about war.

I want to print the stickers for those GIANT OGRES on my 42 inch 1200dpi printer. Send me dimensions (and pictures when your done of course)! Imagine the glory of a backyard boardgame with PBEM instruction. Legendary threads, ahoy.

Ha! Well, I was actually just talking about combining a bunch of the maps to be a big playing field with the standard pieces on it, but a giant Ogre would be pretty awesome. You can actually make yourself some Ogres now if you want, they’ve posted PDFs with the cutouts on the Kickstarter page under the $40k goal. You just need to get yourself some cardboard to glue them to.

This Kickstarter thing was pretty brilliant from a marketing perspective. I think watching the whole process unfold over the Internet has got me way more excited for the game than just the occasional press release would have. And since I’ve never even played Ogre before I’m not sure I would have paid much attention to a regular release. In fact, I may have ignored it altogether for as much as I hate Munchkin, but if Steve is serious that they are not making a ton of money on this one and partially funding it with Munchkin money I guess I hate it a tiny bit less.

Soooo, this is happening, if they hit $700k on the Ogre Kickstarter. Hopefully not for a while, because my poor budget, but also because they had done most of the legwork on Ogre already. Car Wars they’ll need to figure out exactly what this new edition will look like (with the assistance of private forums - anyone backing Ogre for at least $23 will be invited).

People who don’t want Ogre but who still want to push for Car Wars can back for an “I Made Steve Jackson Do Car Wars” t-shirt.

I upped my donation. Sure KS could be a bad place in a while when the wolves get wind of it, as if they haven’t already. But IMHO this is the way to do it.

Isn’t the “We’ll do an other kickstarter if we hit the next stretch goal” thing a bit naff?

He already must know he’ll get another few hundred grand if he does a Car Wars kickstarter. Saying he’ll do it as a stretch goal for Ogre just seems to be milking this thing.

I think they could do even better on a Car Wars kickstarter because they could be better prepared for stretch goals. I believe after awhile they did not really know what to offer in the Ogre project when it grew so fast.

They could get Car War promos all ready and add them to a level like Zombicide did so expertly.

I do not like the huge goal of 700k tied to another kickstarter (but it will not stop me getting the new design edition)

The next huge stretch goal could be Illuminati on iOS. :>)

“OK, so we’ve reached the $xxx,xxx goal…and that means CAR WARS! Except that we’re going to pretend that the Munchkinesque money grab that we did with that title never happened! No boats or hovercraft – fuck those! And tanks? WTF do you need a tank for when you can load a Volkswagon rabbit with rocket launchers and a 37mm gun? Helicopters and aircrft? Pfffft. They sucked in Autoduel Vigilantes, and they still suck now! It’s just you, a turning key, and some high-quality maps and counters. And modern-day car record sheets along with an app. AMATEUR NIGHT FOREVER, BABY.”

“Oh yeah, Scharmers – we got the license and source code for I’76 from Activision. Give us a call.”

Well, you know, that’s an opinion you could voice in those private backer forums they’re going to set up. (Except for the I76 thing. That’ll never happen.)

I’m much more interested in a new Car Wars board game than Ogre, especially since it looks like we’ll get a proper iPad Ogre port.

I really need to go looking for online/downloadable/app Car Wars and Mechwarrior vehicle planning programs. I had a blast just making DnD characters with the help of a computer, just imagine how fun it would be to plan a Mech or Car Wars vehicle with a shiny app?