Tom Clancy's The Division

I’ve owned it longer than that but played very little. I’d be up for some sort of organized play with it (assuming the crash to desktop I got last time I started it was a fluke and not an ongoing issue, of course). Just tend not to get around to this kinda thing if it’s not on the schedule.

I played it for a couple of hours yesterday-- did the three side missions in Brooklyn only. I’m Papageno1961 on Uplay, and I’d be up for playing a couple of hours a week, M-Th mid evening West Coast time for an hour at a time, or up to two hours later in the morning on weekends.
When were you getting that CTD by the way?

I just hit it and didn’t feel like trying again at the time, so it was hopefully a one off. but it was just somewhere like 4 blocks from the base.

If I could import my fully-leveled and kitted our character from my Xbox run I’d totally join you guys. As it is, it’s a bit hard to want to start all over, especially since I’m starting at level 1 with the sequel.

Just sent a friend request. I think most weeks Tuesday or Wednesday evening, like 7-8 PST would be best for me. Mondays are usually my boardgame night, though there have been issues the last couple weeks so I’m around tonight.

Hey, so thanks for the company last night despite not being able to actually play together because my character was too new. Here’s hoping we can meet tomorrow as planned once I’m past that first boss.

Question for anyone: how the hell to get past that guy (“Ripper” I think his name is)? Do I need to call on internet randos to help out with that dude?

I reverified the game files and went to windowed full screen and managed a couple of minor side encounters without crashing, so fingers crossed it will stay that way.

I found the early going really rough also. I just beat my head against the wall until I broke through, I think, but ugh.

I started playing on saturday on XBO X, and it took me about 7 or 8 tries to nail the Ripper fight. Not faring much better now I’m in Manhattan.

All the talk of the sequel made me want to go back to Manhattan and after all the updates and add ons that I never played I figured it’d be easier to just start over.

Problem is I tried matchmaking in the first real mission, Madison Square garden, and no one joined after 10 mins or so on either normal or hard difficulty (ps4) .

I’m not reliable to play with friends so I usually join pug games when I’m in the mood. I still enjoy wandering around NYC but it seems like I’d have to play the sequel for online fun.

That was my issue as well on PC. It’s a ghost town and as the game progresses its harder and harder to go it solo.

There is always something like this if you want to get up to speed and jump into D2, which is superior in every way.

I went back and played a bit of Div 1 before the new one came out. Everyone is in World Tier 5. If you just came back you are probably in tier 1.

Up side is that the DZ in tier 1 is a ghost town, so if you ever wanted to explore the DZ…

Is it still possible to get the Division 2 shields, or was that a pre-launch only thing?

Great video. Thanks for sharing. I still find NYC has a more realistic pandemic flu aftermath as compared to DC. Somehow, DC feels really dead. NYC is empty as well but it has a different feeling to it.

Player counts for this have tripled over the last couple of months. I wonder why.

Yep, and if people head into the higher level dark zone , it gets really morbid.

Morbid doesn’t begin to describe it, it becomes pretty much Dante’s Inferno.

Yeah, I have been playing this a lot, especially while on lock down. It is a horror show that reminds me this pandemic can get a lot worse.

As others have said, playing this while quarantined in Manhattan must be one of videogaming’s weirdest experiences.

I went to law school in DC, and I lived in NY for years afterward. There are a bunch of places in both Division games that I recognize. It’s eerie how well they re-created parts of both cities.

Wandering through The Division 2’s DC, I come across some streets that bring back vivid memories of going to friends’ houses for dinner or parties. They did an amazing job recreating a lot of the atmosphere and look/feel.

Well, DC when I was around there didn’t have quite as many armed gangs duking it out in the streets, and garbage pickup was somewhat better, admittedly.