Tomb Raider will continue to raid sans dual-pistols for the foreseeable future

...despite Shadow of the Tomb Raider’s premise of being the final part of young Lara Croft’s journey to becoming the tomb raider we remember in previous games, we won’t be seeing the iconic double pistols this time around.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Joke’s on them, Square-Enix already has the next Tomb Raider reboot queued up after this one releases.

I am Tom’s complete lack of surprise.

For one thing, chicks with bows is the new hotness. And by new, I mean, since Hunger Games. For another thing, I’m happy to see heroes who don’t romanticize the use of guns. The US has a deep-seated gun culture problem and the way around it is to stop presenting to kids heroes who solve things with guns. Let’s back up to bows and knives and swords for a while.


How about a dual-firing crossbow, like the one that Rutger Hauer used in Ladyhawke? Yeah, I spelled it with the “e.” You get the “dual” and the “bow”.

Quad shotgun, y’all.

Dude, stop fetishizing guns! Fetishize bows, instead!


That’s hawt.

Agreed. Plus I think that a bow is really fun from a gameplay standpoint as well.

Damn millenial game developers stomping on everything I love and hold dear.

Oh yes because there’s no guns in these Tomb Raider reboots. And by no guns I mean an obscene number of guns.

I guess this idea would resonate more if the last one didn’t play like fuckin’ Call of Duty. I mean there are multiple pages for customizing your pew-pews in meticulous detail.

Yeah, come to think of it, she did use a bunch of guns. In fact, she even looks a little like Dana Loesch.


Well, the more your customize your guns in Tomb Raider the uglier they start looking: duct tape, jury-rigged junk, etc. So if they don’t want you to like guns, in a way, it’s mission accomplished?

Tomb Raider’s dual pistols were part of a trend of making the players’ default weapons ‘infinite ammo, but kinda shitty’. I was never that much of a fan of them.

There’s really no point to Lara having dual pistols if she can’t do crazy back-flips and somersaults while shooting at the target she’s locked onto.

Well, My Lara Croft didn’t use any guns (except the final sequence which was kinda a pain in the ass). I wish the whole game had been balanced around bow use.

I agree! And if they’re going to go the no-dual-pistols route (boooo) why not remove guns altogether?

But they didn’t do that.

You know, we do have a Shadow of the Tomb Raider thread already :)

We also have posts on the front page that sometimes people want to talk about! Hence the original post in this thread.


My bad, didn’t notice or pay attention.

Yeah, I like the specific front page topics that turn into threads. A good excuse to talk about something specific about that game.