Too awesome not to share

Seems like your office looks out onto a mall foodcourt.

Times have been tough in the Financial Industry. Offices in shopping centers are all too common these days.

I don’t see how that’s a problem. I see it as an opportunity. Rather than wait for them to jump out windows, we can be pro-active.

I’m pretty sure the Sbarro’s will kill them without any outside assistance, Jakub.

I had NO idea, and I mean absolutely NO idea that DC could rip off the Hulk that bad.

What the fuck, that’s what Martian Manhunter has become?

Yes, yes. A travesty and so forth. Still…

I know where he’s coming from.

No, no, no. He’s dead.

I had NO idea, and I mean absolutely NO idea that DC could rip off the Hulk that bad.

Oh wow, that’s not the Hulk? !!

Considering thats a JLI issue, I am pretty sure that 1. its over 15 years old, so its not what the Martian Manhunter has become (since both he and Beetle are dead), and 2. its absolutely supposed to be a ripoff of the Hulk. Thats the joke…

I think I might have that issue somewhere…

Yeah, he died and is now a Black Lantern.

Yeah. I’m pretty stunned that Lucas never sued Mel Brooks over Spaceballs, too. Pretty blatant ripoff, that.

So there’s another green, bald dude named J’onn in the DC universe?

I loved JLI back in the day. What happened to The Martin Manhunter now?

(honestly, the only way to enjoy superhero comix is to completely ignore continuity)

He was killed in Final Crisis (because every storyline with crisis in the title needs a big death), and is currently beating the crap out of Green Lantern and the Flash as a black lantern in Blackest Night.

Also, JLI was awesome. They finally started re-releasing the series in hard and softcover tradepaperbacks this year. My wife has been buying them, so its been nice to revisit the good years before Identity Crisis, Infinite Crisis, and Final Crisis ruined all the characters except for Booster Gold.

And Bill, no, its the same guy.

Giffen and DeMatteis were an awesome team.

No, just the dead one. Well, undead, now.

I’m hoping the ambiguously gay duo flying away is also supposed to be a joke?