Top Five

Doh, I completely missed the sci-fi limiter. I was wondering why nobody had the Godfather. I’ll start a new thread

2001: A Space Odyssey
Blade Runner
John Carpenter’s The Thing
Philip Kaufman’s Invasion of the Body Snatchers

Invasion of the Body Snatchers (the original)
Star Wars
Minority Report
Terminator 2


Even with the recent slew of bannings, this prolly ain’t the place to find kindlier, gentlier men. God, I hope not anyway.

Eww. Photon Milk? You’re soaking in it.

And what, no votes for Spacehunter: Adventures in the Forbidden Zone ?


In random order:

Star Wars
Logan’s Run
Last Starfighter
Ice Pirates

1.Blade Runner
2.Total Recall (gah people, come on)
3.Forbidden Planet
5.Return of the Jedi

I would have listed Strangelove but it’s not a sci-fi movie. dammit.

Eww. Photon Milk? You’re soaking in it.

And what, no votes for Spacehunter: Adventures in the Forbidden Zone ?


I really enjoyed that movie, when I was a kid. “Water, water everywhere; and not a drop to drink.”

Damn - How did I forget Logan’s Run - what a classic

I wish I could forget The Last Starfighter. Trust me, if you saw it as a kid and loved it do yourself a favor and don’t watch it now. It will retroactively make your childhood worse.

Is it too late to vote for Airplane 2: The Sequel?

“Damn it! Meet me on the bridge.”
“We don’t have a bridge, Sir.”
“No bridge?”
“Just a tower, sir.”
“Why the hell aren’t I ever notified about these things?!!”

Eww. Photon Milk? You’re soaking in it.

And what, no votes for Spacehunter: Adventures in the Forbidden Zone ?


I really enjoyed that movie, when I was a kid. “Water, water everywhere; and not a drop to drink.”[/quote]

Great attention to detail in this movie. If you look closely at one of the distance shots of Spacehunter’s ship on the ground, you can see an automobile in the shot.

<nitpick> Strangelove surely qualifies since the story is partly driven by science. Unlike, say, Star Wars, whose release actually reduced the scientific content of the universe as a whole.</nitpick>


  1. Dr Strangelove :D
  2. Aliens. Slightly edges out Alien by being a sequel that went in a completely different direction and ended up somewhere good.
  3. Star Wars. Sure, there’s no actual sci in the fi, but flying bowties and lightsabres make up for it. Also, fuck George Lucas.
  4. Brazil. I like Terry Gilliam. Also, fuck George Lucas
    1. I don’t like the movie as much as I’m extremely impressed by the movie.

Odd how few good “scifi” scifi movies are out there, though. Only 2001 really stands out.

  1. 2001: A Space Odyssey
  2. The Empire Strikes Back
  3. Blade Runner
  4. John Carpenter’s The Thing
  5. Aliens

John Carpenter’s The Thing
Buckaroo Banzi

2001 is a landmark film but for repeated viewing I just enjoy 2010 more.
I would have stuck the starwars movies in there but they’re too much of a staple to bother mentioning. And I’m still pissed at Lucas for cutting out the Yub Yub song - possibly even more then the “shoot first” scene or the two new knock off CGI masturbation sessions.

I hate to be one of Those People, but 2010 the book is much better than the crappy movie. Why the hell did they have to turn the monolith into a monster, just because the guy from Jaws was in it? Screw that.

  • Alien/Aliens
  • 2001 A Space Odyssey
  • Terminator 2/Abyss (kind of sci-fi, right ?)
  • Starship Troopers
  • The Thing

In fact, both are 100% sci-fi. Unless you think aliens on the bottom of the ocean and cyborgs from the future really exist… ;)

Damn, I forgot Brazil. It’s one of my top 3 favorites.

They don’t ? ;)