Torchlight 2

I’m sure people more passionate than I will answer that (and, in fact, have been answering that), but as for me, having spent the same time with both betas (around 2 hours), both seem like they will be great ARPGs. Diablo 3 takes it for me because I really like that it gives me all the abilities to play with (obviously some others hate that) and I’m impressed by the diversity of the rune system. But Torchlight is friendly, slick, beautiful, and a lot of fun to play.

vuvuzelas suck!

but not as much as Pogo

holding keys hostage.

I love it. The gameplay is really, really tight and it’s just full of tons of little things that make it a superb and polished experience. FWIW, the games do feel really different to me. Torchlight 2 is giving me way more of the Diablo vibe than D3 does. D3 seems like a really fun game, but it feels… different. Not in a bad way, it just feels different. I guess that makes sense, given a lot of the people at Runic.

Also, you can’t beat the music in T2. :)

I can’t think of a single developer who is a competitor with Blizzard.

That said, Runic has done a fabulous job with Torchlight 2 and it should be played by anyone who enjoys action RPGs. It very much feels to me like the complete Torchlight experience they would have built the first time if they had the budget for it.

Anyway, comparing the two feels a bit like comparing Guardian of Light with Dungeon Siege 3. They are worlds apart.

My friend is dying
For a key in your clutches
Your pet has returned

Yeah, it sucks, but I’d be a bad friend if I didn’t try.

Also, even though I’m just a few days out from a mini vacation to Diablo-ville, I’m crazy excited for the day this unlocks on Steam.

I don’t see them in competition. It’s simple. If you like action rpgs, you should buy both games. If you don’t like action rpgs, you shouldn’t buy either because you’d just be wasting your money. And speaking of money, if you only have enough money for one of the two, then buy Torchlight. Not only is it one-third the price, but none of its design decisions were made in light of tempting you to use the RMAH.

But, really, buy both!

Also, if you weren’t a huge fan of torchlight1 (I wasn’t), I’ve got to reiterate that TL2 is a much better game in every way.

This is good to hear, because while I appreciated Fate and Torchlight, and considered them some of the few games to successfully emulate and build on Diablo 2’s gameplay, I did find them a little bland after a while.

Pogo is like a
PVP mage outside town
in Diablo 2.

Oh yeah, almost forgot to ask-- does anyone know how to open locked golden chests? Is this a microtransaction thing? I haven’t seen keys anywhere.

I picked up a golden key as loot and opened one. Guess it is just random.

Gonna have to go with this one! Sorry about your friend, Becoming, and I never played Diablo 2 PvP!

PM sent

Ah so. I’ve seen two locked golden chests so far, and remain keyless. I just know there’s cool stuff in there, too!

It’s all good , he’ll be in a better mood come Tuesday heh.

Congrats Quaro!

Ah so. I’ve seen two locked golden chests so far, and remain keyless. I just know there’s cool stuff in there, too!

Bug that was fixed in the patch about an hour ago!

You guys have two different key conversations going at once.

Patching at 11PM on friday night, now that’s quick service!

I remain keyless as well but I don’t think a patch will put me in the beta! :P

I love this game. Apart from the skill point system which is obviously not changing :) here are some more useful feedbacks, everything is mostly superlative, including but not limited to: the font, enemy animations, fountains of gold, different weapons doing different arcs of damage, more interesting stats, detailed zoom on avatar, much cooler skills all around, turning into a giant wolf with a full charge bar, etc. etc.

  1. enemies sometimes are on higher ground which you can’t reach (although I love when they jump down! sometimes they don’t, though). Also sometimes hidden behind rubble or something where you can’t get at them.
  2. Respec vendor disappears at level 10!!! Why? I guess I can just mod it in, but it would be nice to have it be officially supported. Probably my number 1 issue with TL1. I actually leveled up and made up my mind to respec only to discover I had just hit level 11. IMVHO respec should just exist, maybe cost an exponential amount of gold each time.
  3. Your pet is fleeing! Your pet is fleeing! Your pet is fleeing!

…Your pet is fleeing! Is there any option to mute this guy? ;)
4) it would be useful to have an option to always show enemy HP bars. This is is an issue when attacking a large pack of mobs and having trouble telling who is still alive, who is coming back to life, who is blending into the pile of dead mobs, etc.
5) I have tons of socketed items, but very few things to put in the sockets. On my limited playtime it seems to me there are too many socketed items rather than too few gems.

That’s all I got really.

Going to add audio tail to ‘pet is fleeing’ to make less annoying.
Ditto for ‘My mana is low!’

We’re still debating and jiggering around with our final approach to respec.

Lots of requests for always-on monster HP bars, but probably not in the cards. More complicated than it ought to be at this point - (attachment locations, sorting, blah blah, excuses )

You will get more sockets. There are also items with 4+ sockets, innate. And an enchanter who adds sockets.