Total War: Warhammer 2

Here’s is the handy formation control guide. The alt-click-drag is a game changer.

Thanks Bobtree. That explains things so much better than I did!

Cool stuff! Yeah, I’ve played enough TW games to be familiar with the value of groups at least. I just have to do it better, and the tips about locking formation are welcome.

Thanks for the video link @wisefool! He has some good info, though the constant pop-ups from contributors is maddening.

EDIT: Tried the High Elves. Much more fun. I think the Empire is simply a tough starting position, being pretty much surrounded. And it’s sort of stuffy and old fashioned.

Is there a way to create a leaderless stack of units? IE Make some dudes to send to re-enforce another army? I notice the AI has stacks of units running around without a real leader. How is this done?

Also is there a way to disable the annoying (this here has not moved this turn) notification?

Another one.

That’s a negative. All stacks must have leaders. True for players and AI. I don’t believe the AI is allowed to go leaderless excepting in situations where an army just lost a battle and the leader died. That results in an army that is, I believe, paralyzed until the AI puts a new leader in charge, which will happen promptly the next time that faction gets a turn.


That’s what they tell me.

I’m a fair Warhammer Lore Nerd, but knowing the constellations is another level of Nerd that I am not.

Near the ‘next notification’ button lower right is another button for options for notifications. You can set a whole slew of them individually.

Yeah, if your leader dies you MUST put a leader in. Like it happens immediately with a popup that you can’t exit out of iirc (still no idea what happens if you’re too poor to afford a new one?). Same for the AI. The only way they could be leaderless is if someone killed their leader inbetween turns and they can’t be running around without one.

Garrisons have default “leaders,” too, that are embedded in an actual unit I think.

True. If there is no hero it will pick one of the units to be the leader, so maybe that’s what he was seeing.

Lies detected. :)

This sure seems like they’re trying to tell us TW:WH3 is coming this Autumn.

I’d say we’re probably getting a release date this week at the pace they’ve been putting these out. Neat.

Is this the same video clip that has been posted three times now since yesterday or is there something different about them I’m not seeing?

4 Different clips, 1 for each constellation (1 for each Chaos god). The last one also includes mention of Ursun aka Kislev.

Ooooh, very cool. Thanks!

You’re welcome! Here is another tie in.