Total War: Warhammer 2

It’s a tiny, tiny button next to Taurox’s portrait on the left. And I mean TINY.

You spend 2 rampage to reset your movement. Or 1 if you rampaged enough. Also killing something gives you rampage. So… it’s not hard to chain enough fights together to rampage like 100 times in a single turn.

There is something funky about the stance. I’m not sure what the rules are, but sometimes it doesn’t work. But when it doesn’t it also allows you to access your encampment, so… not much is really lost most of the time when it happens. I think it’s if you fought something, going to raiding doesn’t give you the movement, but heck if I know.

didn’t watch it but this explains the mechanic

so there’s TWO tiny buttons…


A bit more testing, the only way to guarantee extra movement with Taurox is to hit pillage before you do any movement that turn.

So apparently GW decided to kill their communities because they’re stupid.

And now they’re going after the big mod-makers for Total War Warhammer.

If this has been going on for years, what’s the problem now? Is it entirely because Radious has sometimes paywalled his content behind Patreon? I could see that pissing some people off.

No one is sure, really.

GW hired a new person and they decided that stuff like Astardes which was free advertising needed to be destroyed completely and utterly. Because Games Workshop is a bunch of fucking idiots and always has been.

Now every content creator involved with GW IP’s is shitting themselves.

If you make a Youtube video about Warhammer, well, technically you’re making money off GW’s IP now aren’t you? So what’s to stop GW from shutting you down? Youtube?

Edit: Time will tell. Radious is pretty bad as a human being and how he ran things by most accounts, but like the SFO team basically relies on Patreon to pay their bills. Now does GW think that’s okay? Somehow I doubt it. We’re talking about the people that saw Astartes and didn’t think “Holy shit this is amazing free advertising” but instead went to “Make sure this never happens again, kill any future Astartes before it happens.”

If they go that hard on the community I can see this backfiring into a full on revolt against the brand.

No one in the modding community to my knowledge has ever locked anything behind a Patreon paywall. Radious was maybe more aggressive than others in pushing their Patreon but the mod itself has always been freely available in the Workshop like any other big overhaul.

The cynical side of me wonders if this is why CA has decided to push Troy in the mythology direction. They saw the writing on the wall, and knew WH3 might run into these kinds of issues so they started to move all the fantasy elements into Troy to hedge their bets. Apparently GW had tried to limit modding in WH1 and/or WH2, but CA somehow won that argument.

If the major modders for WH2 end up bowing out of WH3, that is a huge blow. WH3 will be a fine game in its own right, but many people live for the modding content. As much as I want this to all blow up in GW’s face, I’m sad that WH3 might be one of the casualties.

Ironic that this all starts happening as I finally start diving into WH2 ‘for real’. Saving grace is that WH2 is “done”, and most of the mods out there are complete as-is (Radious/CTT/End Times already work with the latest patch, SFO is on progress to be ready end-of-month). Many smaller mods either don’t need changes, or were already updated.

GW hired the Astartes guy. He now creates stuff for their Warhammer+ service.

In fact, I’d wager a big part of this crackdown has to do with “maintaining value” for the service.

No one is going to revolt against Games Workshop in any way that matters.

Seriously. I can’t think of many companies in gaming that behave more odiously towards its fans than GW. Again… and again… and again… and again… It always gets forgotten when the next shiny turns up.

It’s pretty obvious, it’s very squarely aimed to that
“Individuals must not create fan films or animations based on our settings and characters. These are only to be created under licence from Games Workshop.”

I mean, my impression was that they were legitimately dying before the licensed videogames essentially saved their asses, no? And that this new fanbase essentially brought them back to relevance hasn’t yet encountered whatever stupidity they got up to in the past

I’m not a fan of GW except for playing the videogames - wrt the tabletop community, my participation is mostly limited to buying individual White Dwarfs (back when that was published) and some boardgames. So I really don’t know. Maybe some of the actual GW players/experts here can comment on that.

But I do feel I’ve read the “GW is dying” pretty much constantly for the past 20 years, so I tend to take it with a grain of salt these days.

They did and there was much rejoicing.

And then they made him pull Astartes off Youtube so they could sell it to people.

There are still other people who have it up, but I imagine it’s just a matter of time before GW goes after them.
Astartes was huge with people who don’t really give a crap about 40k is the thing. Those people aren’t going to sign up for Warhammer+.

And a future Astartes-like thing will never happen, because GW would kill it before it did.

Not really - their minis have always sold well.

And they have always been shitty about IP - here is an article from 2009 about GW

A little bit less doomy and gloomy?


Link for those that are having trouble clicking on the image: Content Creators - Total War Wiki

TLDR: Cavalry probably not broken now. Other minor changes.

So I’ve been playing some Vampire Counts in the original game. But I also have this one, so, a question:

Do I lose anything big by playing in the original game engine? Other than the combined Mortal Empires map, I mean.

Yes you do. The mechanics rework in the second game really improved the Counts. If you want upkeep free skeletons and zombies as well as access to cool semi-legendary lord via blood kisses, you really need to play counts in TW:WH2.

I don’t recall vampire counts being in the original Warhammer total war was it?

Wow long time