Totally new game model

“I just think I’m unique, as a person, in how I put it all together. Just like everyone else.”


I almost woke up my son laughing at that one.

Can someone let me in on the blog joke? :(

I’m sure there’s more to it than the content of the blog, and I want to laugh too!

I hope that The Entity sees what’s happened in this thread and grants you the title: “No longer respectful”

That would make… what, 5 of us? What do we have?

  • “Traded Gears for Mario Game”
  • “Keeper of the Frop Bog”
  • “Lost 6th grade spelling bee”
  • and the unfathomable “Administrator”

SymbolicFrank, I think the main problem most people have with you here is that you almost never make any sense.

On the other hand, that’s why I love you, so just keep on doing what you’re doing.

It’s not a joke. It makes me laugh, but then I’m kind of known for finding things funny that … aren’t.

I am pretty sure you mean “6th Grade Spelling Bee Loser”.
But I am not absolutely certain. Where can we look to find out?

Brian Koontz was, at one time, the most respected poster on this forum by far.

hahahahah… whoops.

Actually it was “Lost 6th grade spelling bee” initially, then changed a few hours later, but somehow I remember it the way it was first instead of the way it’s been in the many months since.

I think mocking him is a bad idea.

That anyone can post without a basic knowledge of Koontz upsets me somewhat.

Maybe there should be an automated Qt3 citizenship test of basic etiquette and in-jokes to filter members. Less load on Tom, and less of this sort of business.

SymbolicFrank, if you really want to actually make a new game based on a new idea, more power to you! Take a look at some of these and see if some inspiration hits you:

Good luck with that.

That’s where you’re wrong, Grasshopper.

(Jeez, now I can’t say that without picturing Carradine dangling in a motel room in Bangkok.)

Isn’t there a “Schulde Master”, from the “Demigod Shculde” thread?

Also, I see nobody took this bit of bait:

Wow, and now I just checked out Teh Koontz’s blog and found this gem, quite apropos to this thread and Tyjenks’:

Hellz yeah, bitches. While we’re quivering in our back-pained Zionistic dreams of juvenile irrelevance, Koontz and his posse are vitalizing the living world.

Tom forgot to re-check the option for “only members of Inner Circle may post” after the tapir incident I guess. Which means that any number of previously banned people whose accounts were not fully deleted are going to resume posting in the near future.

Naeblis ist Der Shulde.

I didn’t forget. That was intentional. This forum is open to anyone who doesn’t violate the rules outlined in the stickied rules post.


I see.