Transformers 3: The Dark of the Moon

Only one side of it at all times.[/QUOTE]

I wonder what they did to get permission. They wanted to shoot that stuff way back in August and the NPS wouldn’t agree to let them use fire or explosion effects on the site.

You really want to do this?

I’m actually a little curious about this…was there an autobot who could fabricate energon containers? Seems reasonable to assume that anybody could do it if they wanted to (or maybe just people with big squares on their chest…Ratchet?)

Edit: TFwiki has the answer, apparently “energon cubes could be created by Soundwave, who generated the empty cube framework from his similarly-shaped chest; several other Decepticons were able to produce them as well.” Unsurprisingly, the early series mentions were confusing.

The autobots had a cassette player guy too. I assume he could pull the Soundwave cube trick. I don’t remember ever seeing any other decepticon making cubes, though.


Those of you complaining the title makes no sense obviously were not, or did not know any, thespians in High School…

oOOOOoooo, nice!

I was, did, and majored in theatre briefly in college, but I have never heard of that play.

You’re in a Transformers thread and you’re uncomfortable discussing the characters… are you just hanging around waiting for Octonoo to pop in with some wine pics?

I was in that play in high school. I played Floyd Allen. I got to perform ‘Down in the Valley’ on guitar.

‘The Dark of the Moon’ is a weird name for a Transformers movie but maybe there will be evil robots launching all sneaky-like from the dark (side) of the moon because it’s all dark and thus impervious to detection. Plus big explosions.

Maybe it’s a typo.

They meant: “Transformers 3: the Dork of the Moon”

Shia boards a rocket to the moon, where most of the action takes place. Several TF’s die and they float around weightlessly, with fluids that look like pepto-bismol. Captain Kirk will appear. Plus big explosions.

I guess you don’t see the problem.

I’m not “uncomfortable discussing the characters”. It’s just pointless and meaningless. There’s not enough depth to the characters to warrant an analysis of “leadership potential.” I mean, this isn’t exactly War & Peace.

What’s next? Are we going to discuss how Starscream wants power because his father abandoned him when he was a young biplane, and he has fear of abandonment? Or perhaps we can just acknowledge that he wants power as a plot device, and Soundwave could take power if the writers wanted to feature the talking radio with a cool voice.

The only problem is how stupid it is to point out the absurdity of discussing fictional things on a tremendously nerd-centric forum. Your comment could be equally applied to almost everything on Qt3 outside of P&R. Well, some of P&R.

Some fictional things have enough depth to the characters that there’s something to discuss. Others don’t.

Maybe Michael Bay/DreamWorks/Paramount wanted to find a way to rationalize the “Revenge of the Fallen” subtitle…by creating an even worse subtitle.

Maybe the plot of the new movie will be about how a Decepticon and Autobot fall in love, the Decepticon converts to an Autobot and then both sides engage in various machinations (pun?) to make the relationship fail and ultimately doom both lovers. Plus slow-mo explosions.

A handful of Transformers characters do. Just because you’re not aware of it doesn’t mean it isn’t the case.

You know, now that I think about how the sequel’s title was a reference to an actual character, I wonder if in the new film there will be moon-dwelling transformers called The Dark. Because Bay is that lame.

You know, it could be that Michael Bay, the quintessential American Jock is really just trolling all the nerds and geeks he can with Transformer. Shitty title! Alright, let’s see the internet froth with anger! Terrible storytelling! HA!, Those lit geeks can suck it.