Trump 2024

How much money will Facebook and Twitter get in their anti-SLAPP motion is the only question here if it’s actually being tried in California.

I assume Trump will grift enough to still make a profit, but he’s also a fucking idiot, so… maybe not.

The suits were filed in Florida. I’m not familiar with the details of anti-SLAPP laws, but I have to assume they generally only apply where the original suit was filed. Maybe if they were to be refiled in California after being dismissed for improper venue.

Trump’s approach to finding lawyers to work for him:


Trump’s lawsuits against facebook, twitter and youtube were literally find and replace jobs. To the point of finding and replacing in quotes offered as evidence.

Seems pretty plausible they just replaced all references to Twitter to Facebook/Youtube in the relevant complaints, and didn’t think about the implications here.

Yeah, the author is stretching laziness and sloppiness into nefarious intent. Still,


I think that the laziness and sloppiness speaks specifically to their nefarious intent. The lawyers filing these cases know they are garbage that are going to get tossed so they are absolutely focused entirely on the lies to feed into the fundraising aspect. It is way more important to them to make specific people and entities look bad via any method possible than constructing an actually feasible lawsuit.

There’s a variety of threads where this could fit, but hey. Interview with Michael Wolff on his meeting with Trump.

Michael Wolff: The last thing I wanted to write is another Trump book. But the attack on the Capitol on Jan. 6 and the whole post-election lie – that’s such an outrageous story, how can you not tell it? So, I began to make a few calls to some people around the former president, and one of those people told him. Then they called and asked if I wanted to meet him.

DER SPIEGEL: How do you explain that?

Wolff: Trump told his people that guy – me – gets big ratings, so let’s see him. For Trump the goal is almost entirely the media attention. Good, bad, indifferent, doesn’t matter. I’m not the only author he has seen, but I would assume that I’m the most disliked author that he’s seen. But that doesn’t play into his conception of the world. It’s not like or dislike. It’s not right or wrong. It’s what can you do for me? It’s just about answering his needs, desires and inclinations in the moment. So, here’s a guy, he sells a lot of books, why not? And it’s not as if you’re going there and actually having an exchange.

DER SPIEGEL: Then what are you having?

Wolff: It’s all about hearing the sound of his own voice. The people he talks to are ultimately interchangeable.

DER SPIEGEL: What’s that like, a dinner with the Trumps?

Wolff: Mar-a-Lago opens up to this patio with probably 40 tables. He’s there every night, right in the middle, and there’s a little red rope that goes around where he and Melania sit. It’s not really “dinner.” They are more like the bride and groom at a wedding party. The whole night people come up to them to kiss the ring while he has a monologue going. It doesn’t really matter who he’s talking to, it’s just kind of a spray, and whoever is in front of him gets sprayed with the conversation. I, too, became a prop. Michael Wolff, the world’s greatest writer, blah, blah, blah.

DER SPIEGEL: So, Jan. 6 was not an attempted cop?

Wolff: That’s just political reporters trying to apply some logic to this. There is no logic to this. There was no plan. He is deranged. The guy can’t get from the beginning of the sentence to the end of a sentence. Everybody knows there was no election fraud, except Trump and his lawyer Rudy Giuliani. It’s like they’re on some other planet.

DER SPIEGEL: Was Trump really that clueless on Jan. 6? He told the mob to march to the Capitol and that he’d march with them.

Wolff: He didn’t mean it. He told his horrified chief-of staff, Mark Meadows, that he didn’t mean it seriously. And everybody around him said, what do you mean, march to the Capitol? He’s going to walk? He doesn’t walk anywhere.

Well that perfectly matches the impression I’ve had of Trump forever. I’ll never understand how so many people can not see thorough his bullshit.

He didn’t mean it. He told his horrified chief-of staff, Mark Meadows, that he didn’t mean it seriously. And everybody around him said, what do you mean, march to the Capitol? He’s going to walk? He doesn’t walk anywhere.

I remember watching that part of the speech and thinking “March to the Capitol? I’d love to see him try!”. I believe I made a sarcastic comment here to that effect.

There are still these occasional popup shops on the sidewalks here selling flags, back the blue, don’t tread on me, come and take it, duck Biden, and previously trump campaign stuff. This weekend I noticed they are selling trump 2024 flags, pretty generic, didnt surprise me.

The on that got me laughing though,
“Draft Trump 2024”
How can people be so clueless as to not see how that’s hilarious.

Many of them know but don’t care.

Right, I forget sometimes you have to draw a distinction between the "not see"s and the Nazis.

Trump is aspirational. A certain segment of the population see him and realize that being a racist, misogynistic moron is not an impediment to being rich.

They are missing the key factor that he was born rich and is probably less rich than his parents were.

From the above-linked interview with Michael Wolf:

DER SPIEGEL: How did he look to you? I saw him at his first post-presidential rally in Ohio, and he seemed healthier, fitter than before.

Wolff: He looked terrific. When most presidents come out of the presidency, they really look older, like they’ve been through a very tough period. He looked fantastic.

I guess if your view of Trump in 2016 was that he looked like a very healthy and strong and vigorous man, he looks even more so now.

The pressures of being the president prematurely age men. Trump felt none of that pressure. Because he didn’t fucking care.

Wow, Obama and Biden broke the Israeli control of the US government. There are a lot of conflicted anti-Semites today.

If I know anything about anti-Semites, they’ll find a way around it, they always do.