Trump 2024


Don really thinking popping that collar is going to hide his flabby neck.

Trump looks moments away from his next stroke. Thanks for filling me with holiday cheer.

Yeah, this is clearly going to embolden them. They’re going to say it’s a greenlight to get more vocal.

WTF does any of that even mean? Is he trying to say that Jewish Americans should be loyal to Israel first but they aren’t now because of Obama and Biden (which totally invalidates the whole GOP standby of “Democrats and the Global Zionist Conspiracy” talking point) or that America has “the best Jews!” because they aren’t on board with everything Israel is doing? I’m confused. Is this a play to convince Jewish Americans to vote Trump 2024? How? I’m pretty sure even Trump doesn’t know what he’s trying to say here.

I’m going to need Fox News to break this down for me.

It means precisely what they need it to mean at any given moment! And then in another moment, it will mean something entirely different.

It means rapture fanboys might not be able to count on most jews supporting bombing the brown people to hasten its coming.

Trump also has the shape of Humpty Dumpty.

Trumpty Dumpty?

That deserves a +1, like or 👍

I’m going to be that guy, but some guy venting isn’t interesting. I imagine it’s bad enough when it’s me whining the same.

That’s a dumb take. First, the covid stimulus and the infrastructure bill aren’t nothing. Second, even if Bernie could win the general, how is he going to get Manchin and Sinema to vote his way?

Socialist sorcery!

Who the fuck is Professor Wright and why should we be listening to him?

Because he’s always Wright?

I think the path is very clear:

Step 1: Elect Bernie Sanders
Step 2: …
Step 3: Socialist Paradise!

If Sanders had been the candidate, Trump would be president right now.


Everybody knows that the way that legislation gets passed is that the president wishes hard enough, and then it just magically happens.

That’s an excellent example of Murc’s Law in the wild. The GOP obviously has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that Biden’s agenda is stalled. It’s all because of the Democratic party, there’s literally no possible way a (obviously theoretical because lol*) few Republicans could change the situation by supporting it.

*The media and pundit classes have totally normalized “GOP destroy and obstruct, that’s just them being them, no need to question it, whatchagonnado? shrug”