Trump/Russia 2016 election investigation (continued, now with Ukraine!)

There have been previous statements that indicate he at the very least believed that at one point, so it is likely he still does.

Yeah. The way he said, Believe it or not, coyotes was a giveaway. Like, he can’t believe doggies are a problem, but it says it right here.

LOL! Perfect Trump thought bubble.

“I mean I know Mexicans are animals, but now we’re dealing with animals? We gotta BUILD THE WALL!!!”

Cursed image.

They looked guilty as hell even back then!


Roger looks like he’s wearing his daddy’s suit.

Seriously Stone looks like Monty Burns, the early years there.

You know you must suck if even the Nixon Foundation disowns you

Here’s hoping that one hack millionaire college dropout ‘media personality’ gets the justice that those connected to DJT get.

The indictment of Roger Stone makes clear that there was a deliberate, coordinated attempt by top Trump campaign officials to influence the 2016 election and subvert the will of the American people. It is staggering that the President has chosen to surround himself with people who violated the integrity of our democracy and lied to the FBI and Congress about it.

In the face of 37 indictments, the President’s continued actions to undermine the Special Counsel investigation raise the questions: what does Putin have on the President, politically, personally or financially? Why has the Trump Administration continued to discuss pulling the U.S. out of NATO, which would be a massive victory for Putin?

Lying to Congress and witness tampering constitute grave crimes. All who commit these illegal acts should be held accountable to the fullest extent of the law. We cannot allow any effort to intimidate witnesses or prevent them from appearing before Congress.

The Special Counsel investigation is working, and the House will continue to exercise our constitutional oversight responsibility and ensure that the Special Counsel investigation can continue free from interference from the White House.

Holy crap. I was reading that thinking, “that can’t be real”.

Mass media almost always used the word ‘divisive’ in conjunction with Pelosi They never, not once, explained what made her so divisive. Couldn’t be the 24/7 right wing attacks could it?

At the same time they lauded Paul Ryan with almost fawning coverage - ‘serious policy wonk.’ You know who is a serious policy wonk? Hillary Clinton. But, nope, she’s deeply flawed, corrupt (an accusation used time and again right here on this board without a shred of evidence), shrill, dishonest.

It’s like osmosis, the constant hum of negativity, until it lodges into the subconscious and otherwise rational people start repeating the theme without much thought at all. ‘This is what I think, and it must be true because I read and hear it in the media.’

Not a small part is due to gender (it is just so unseemly that women deign to have political ambition), but it’s also the deference afforded Republican politicians. While RWM such as Fox et al have sowed the ground for the cult that the GOP has now become, it is mass media that is in no small part responsible for the apathy the public has writ large.

The media has not changed and if anything has grown worse.

The thing people always forget about women in positions of power, is that they are almost always (not always, of course) more competent than the men in equivalent positions - simply because they’ve had to overcome so much more resistance than their colleagues in getting to where they are.

And the media’s coverage - even in the most liberal of countries - is often a big part of that. I still remember the absurd coverage that followed Merkel going to an event in a nice dress. It’s changing (things are better today than 20 or even 10 years ago, and the increased visibility of female leaders is a big part of that), but it’s still doing so at a glacially slow pace.

That’s called propaganda. People use it because it works.

Last night when Stone appeared on Tucker Carlson’s show, Stone let slip (because he’s an idiot) that he may have seen President Trump’s responses to Mueller’s questions.

If you’re a lawyer representing either Stone or the President, it becomes increasingly difficult to call Stone a fringe player who isn’t really involved in anything when the guy is apparently still getting the most insidery insider access.