Trump/Russia 2016 election investigation (continued, now with Ukraine!)

He was just doing what every great defense attorney tells their client to do when they get arrested - go on a talk show and run your mouth.

Ha! Must be some aspect of 4-dimensional chess that I’m too dumb to figure out. ;)

Yeah, Ryan was supposed to be a policy wonk, because he had originally worked under guys like Jack Kemp, who was part of actual policy making

But Ryan never achieved this. Whether it was just a factor of the times, Ryan was able to move past partisanship. To a large extent, the GOP was no longer interested in a serious policy maker. They only wanted to pwn the libs.

Yeah, Ryan was supposedly their economics/taxes wonk, but everything he proposed was bullshit. Trickle down or even worse, just straight-up robber-baron nonsense.

And full of magic asterisks. Nothing in his proposed budgets ever balanced correctly; it always depended on something unexpected happening to make things work out, like GDP growth double or triple the most reasonable projections.

He got his big tax cut for the rich, and rode off into the sunset without having to wonk his way to paying for it.

While whining he didn’t get to gut SS during his retirement announcement.

Apparently Roger Stone is more tech savvy than I am, because unlike him I don’t even use Instagram. Mocking Mueller seems like a fantastic idea though.

Hope he likes prison.

Stone is pot-committed on getting pardoned. Surely Trump will treat him well, as Trump always does to those he touches.

The stupidity is staggering.

I mean, even for someone within Trump’s inner circle (which we know is filled with the worst kind of idiots), that is a whole new level of stupidity.

Stone is fucked, but I’m sure he’s expecting a pardon, which is probably what all his antics are about.

I would hate to count on anything from Trump.

Stone’s behavior seems like someone who lists half a dozen fallback positions, assuming one will work, not realizing none are actually tenable. The pardon option is probably on that list for him, but IMO there’s no chance of Trump actually coming through with a pardon.

This asshat was on the morning shows proclaiming his innocence

All this is clearly for Trump’s benefit, because in a court of law, it’s the facts that matter, not all this bullshit. If Mueller can prove the things he’s alleging, then Stone is going to jail, no matter what he says.

I guess the one good thing about how terrible Trump is is the fact that he only attracts garbage people to his inner circle, so they make it easy. There’s no world in which doing what Stone is doing helps his case.

Though I imagine he and Manafort, among others, assume that they will be pardoned at some point. Perhaps the max prison sentence for them will be until January 2021 when Trump blanket pardons everyone involved on his way out of the Oval Office.

The problem with the pardon approach remains this: Anyone who is pardoned loses his 5th amendment protections WRT the crimes pardoned. Such a person can be put in front of a grand jury and compelled to testify and charged with (new) counts of obstruction if they refuse to answer, or perjury and obstruction if they lie. By pardoning people, Trump creates witnesses who are compelled to testify, possibly against him.

That, plus the polonium cocktails. They suck too.

Add lemon, it helps.

Also I can’t imagine you have to dig too hard to find more things to charge these guys with. They are the shadiest people.