Trump supporters storm the Capitol Building

He’s already facing legal charges in an unrelated matter that they are using this to revoke his bail. I think that it’s silly to assume that Twitter people have any insight on whether there are charges coming for him.

Sadly, that’s quite prophetic

IANAL, but I’d guess a prosecutor may wait to see how much cooperation they get and how useful it is before deciding on charges to file.

I’m just sad his handle wasn’t Baked Alaska_420

Prayers and thoughts.

Unfortunately, four years of MAGA abusing have really changed my attitude about flying the flag.

I’m dead.

Peaceful transition:

Kabul DC.

Just these kinds of pictures are enough to keep the crazies away, I believe.

There could be some individuals who want to try something, but I don’t see a mass of MAGA people marching on the Capitol again. These soldiers will not screw around and the MAGA idiots know that.

There are more troops in DC than in Afghanistan.

Not a good enough reason to use the word penetrate

At a minimum it’ll sort out the opportunists (who won’t get anywhere near a display of force like that) from the genuine crazies like the Q nutters, who probably think all those national guardsmen are there to round up the satanist pedophile lizard-people.

At this point I’m less worried about the U.S Capitol and more concerned with the state capitols.

Joe Blow Qnut is more likely to have a beef with his local officials - and have better connections with his local police to help him get in the building. I also feel like we’ll soon be transitioning from “Let’s storm the Capitol!” into “Let’s blow something up!”

So the Afghanistan comparison is frighteningly appropriate.

Isn’t this how it started in Germany? I mean, what do we do? Seems like a better than even chance a state capitol gets overrun this weekend.