Two weird tastes that taste great together?

Incidentally, I’m making pickles for the first time. It’s too soon to eat them, but damn if the juice isn’t tasty.

I have faith in your skills.

On another note, I used to love PBJ and Ovaltine sandwiches.

I want that Elvis sandwich to be my final meal before I die.

My contribution, Pineapple and Shrimp Pizza.

Add raisins and you get Ants on a Log.

Most likely will be. I’m tempted to make a scaled down version. Maybe only 2000 calories?

I wish this was true… ALL THE BACON.

Peanut butter really does go well with a surprising number things. As do pickles. As does bacon. Bacon chocolate can be quite good. But let’s see, what else…

I like to use that underwood deviled ham stuff with cheese on crackers. That may be a bit distressing. Oh, and Indian coriander chutney with cheese and crackers is good too, as is whatever you call the diced chili onion stuff they give you in Indian restaurants but which doesn’t seem to be a commercial product.

Greetings brother! So we two are the ones that eat that stuff. I also like the chicken spread. And yeah, Ritz crackers and american cheese. Don’t tell anyone. They wouldn’t understand.

I would like to scorn your ritz crackers and your american cheese, but eating underwood’s I really feel unable :) I guess you can think of it as a sort of lowbrow pate.

Anyhow, for me the best crackers are “melba snacks” – those hard round disks, but not actual melba toast, which is terrible. I prefer hard, strong but not rotten cheese like parmesan, gruyere, and that dubliner brand stuff which is kind of a cross between gruyere and cheddar, maybe.

Reverting to the two-tastes thing, I like cheddar by itself and with peanut butter (!) but for some reason I don’t like it on crackers. Not sure why that should be…

Yeah. We have no high ground here. :)

That’s fancy-pants crackers, they are. We do Premium Saltines in these parts.

They have their place. The Mansion of Cracker has many rooms. We all have our place there.


I prefer sharper cheeses or fish spread sorts of items on the Saltine. PB, or softer cheeses/salami things on the Ritz.

Graham-Men need to fly solo.

With balsamic vinegar but yes, ^ this.

This thread seems to have a spectrum between gourmand and gourmet. I like it.

Sweet BBQ sauce and brussel sprouts.

My wife makes very plain pan steamed brussel sprouts which are the devil’s droppings, but for some reason pan fried with BBQ is okay.

Universal Law #2: There is no food for which the addition of bacon does not improve it.

And sweet improves pork. I learned that at a young age when I allowed my maple syrup to touch, ever so lightly, my sausages and bacon. Been in love ever since.

Or as Jack from Jack in the Box would say:

Bacon makes everything better, especially bacon.

The Australian Ovaltine is called Milo:

I occasionally make peanut butter and milo on toast (using, naturally, Japanese shoku-pan).

I also make the same thing with peanut butter and rou-song (pork floss, kind of like finely shredded chicharones).

Of all my culinary creations, that last is actually my proudest inventions, because its a distinctly Chinese-American creation.

Being fair, you could put rousong on steamed brussel sprouts (or any 3 day old veggy refuse thrown in composter) and it would be goooood.