Two years later, I played The Crew 2 again. I have questions.

I didn’t like The Crew 2.  At all.  But that was two years ago, when it was initially released, minus all the cool stuff that comes with seasons passes, paid DLC, and free updates.  Presumably, Ubisoft has been hard at work on their flagship driving game.  So let’s see what Ubisoft can do with two years of post-release support.  

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Oh wow, snow on Santa Monica pier? Has that ever even happened?

This was great to read, Tom, but you are a weird beardguy. Sorry.

So many words for a game that isn’t good, and you don’t like. :)

Play more games you do like!

Look, somehow I had to justify the time I spent upgrading that stupid dirt bike to level 35.

On it!


I think at the end of Crash?


Great and sadly accurate review. Usage of could care less broke my heart a little though.

Crew 2 really is super baffling. They had such a great foundation with Crew 1 and instead of building on it, they ripped it to shreds.

Why? It’s used correctly. If there’s one thing I could care less about than T-shirts, it’s emote. Maybe give a guy a little credit for knowing his idioms. :)


Tom, thanks for the update. I adored the original Crew as well, I’m happy that you have steered me away from this lemon.

I also gave this game a second chance recently and was greatly disappointed all over again. To this day I play the first game here and there. As someone who loves the original somewhere near the level that Tom does I’m glad to get an update on his thoughts on the studio’s miscalculated sequel. What I really want from my car game is to amass FOLLOWERS. Dude!

PSA: I recently found out there’s a Bigfoot in The Crew. Have ya’ll found Bigfoot roaming around the northwest? He may not be in San Andreas, but he definitely haunts The Crew.

Mea culpa, heart mended.

Nothing beats a Tom Chick rant so thanks for this. I kind of enjoyed it for what it’s worth (drag and boat racing aside) because if there’s anything I’ve learnt from megapublisher sequels it’s to lower your expectations. The offroad handling and scenery was also improved IMO.
I’m not sure if it’s the internets fault but the only feedback megapublishers seem to recognize are the most vocal ones within the first 3 months and otherwise it’s a crapshoot of executive ideas (see post-EA Bioware, post-Activision Blizzard etc.). I’m sort of nervous for Respawn, Obsidian and InXile due to their current ownership but we’ll see.

Even if I agree with the meaning of the following I think this might need an edit?

Upgrading a car you care about because it was hard to get is better than upgrading a dirt bike because you picked because you were trying to be ironic.

It may seem silly but I cared much more about my cars in NFS Underground and Test Drive Unlimited than most other car games because they were part of the career journey.

Finally I have an embarrasingly lame story to tell about car skins. I once painted what might be seen as a single breast on a Forza car because I was bored and it was the simplest image in my broken brain to paint with 3 circles. Apparently all skins are uploaded whether you allow it or not because now I can never paint another Forza car with that account :/ It’s not like the world missed out on any talent, but I kind of wonder if pinups on a plane like a B-17 would be anything but a HR violation today (see Assassin’s Creed Odyssey statues etc.). /rant off

Sorry but the Crew 2 is more for PS4 users, we don’t have Forza so we have the Crew 2 and I’ve never had complaints, the mechanics work well

Also if you don’t want more cars… Why are you playing? The game is about street racing with cars and other vehicles, most of the people I know who play it are car enthusiasts and love the game for adding more cars that we’ve requested

Yes, thanks for the correction, @cableMaple!

Times have certainly changed.

I’m still puzzled by that Pornhub/Brazzers skin in The Crew 2. Why is that there? Who made it? Why does Ubisoft allow it a prominent place in the top 100 skins? It just seems so crassly corporate, not to mention just plain crass.

Well, you also have The Crew 1, so I’m not sure why you’d be playing The Crew 2. :)

That’s an odd question, @NovaWolf_Gaming. Seems to me caRPGs aren’t about quantity of cars any more than an RPG is about quantity of characters. I play caRPGs primarly because I enjoy driving games, but also because I enjoy the appeal of character (i.e. car) progression. The exploration and collection are also part of the experience, but they have to be tuned to be meaningful. Too many cars devalues each car. It’s one of the simple rules of economy. I have so many cars in The Crew 2 that I will never drive, that I couldn’t care less about. The Forza games are terrible about this as well.


I guess I’m putting The Crew 1 back on my wishlist. :P

“to st[r]oll through a showroom”

This made me reinstall Crew 1, which reminded me it doesn’t have any way to reset your progress and start from scratch. Which is crazy.

This is not The Crew you are looking for.

I had to create secondary uplay account and redeem the game there when it was free. It is crazy.

Well some of your question are pin point accurate but some of them are way too off! I recently bought both forza horizon 4 and crew 2 on PC and i am spending more time on crew2 and i have several reasons why.

Long races ranging from 10-50 mins, huge world, and different discipline.

There are many things that make this game one of the worst racing game but there are way more thing that make this fun-roaming around with friend type games. So if you place this game against forza yeah its shit. But if you want to race/do illogical stuffs in this game its super fun. We usually do races to break the records of each other like scoring 500k pts in 100k pts to win drift race. This game is hugely seamless on SSD with not a single loading screen while moving across the map.

Now character is half baked but its totally a player’s choice to put a vehicle or a boat in his kitchen. So asking a question about that is not an accurate one. Sorry. Plus they are adding a social feature where other players can visit the house as well. So its more of a social thing. Number plate is also said to be fixed soon.

But there are more grim things that can be fixed that you didn’t even mention. Like no working side mirrors in pit view, irritating back kn track feature and rubber-banding which makes this game a really bad

Wow, this is absolute garbage.

Why did you include lies and complete misinformation?

Why did you completely ignore the new avatar selection screen that EVERY account was given before complaining which avatar you have? Did you just keep hitting buttons uncontrollably till you got to some menu?

Why did you use the Photo Mode, specifically putting on the Frame 1 setting to show the logo in the corner, and then proceed to lie and claim the game is constantly cluttering your HUD?

Why are you complaining about the cars you have selected to use as if its a game problem? Why are you claiming you’ve been forced into driving some car when it’s very clear through the game systems you just specifically chose that Monster Truck?

Why are you complaining that you own cars that have been doled out free as part of the season pass?

Why are you soloing out User created content like a Pornhub livery, then screeching that things like that are the game makers problem? The livery system in this game is one of the best ones usable in a modern racing game, with accurate co-ordinate mapping, grouping, tools and material selection.

This is an absolute dumpster fire of a review by someone who clearly needs to froth and spit at the mouth about something they hate so feverishly, but instead, you’ve elected to ‘construct’ a few imaginary slights due to your complete button-bashing ignorance.