Ubisoft likes this EA Access idea

I’ll sign up for the free trial month - try out Anno 1800. Maybe Far Cry New Dawn.

$20/month for only Ubisoft titles? Yikes.

15 USD. Is that Canadian or some such coin?

No idea. I just pressed the link above and see this:


Oh I see that too now. Hmm. It was definitely advertised as 15.

Remember to sign up before tomorrow to get the free month trial


It’s a shame that their free month will take place when their newer more interesting games aren’t out yet (like the new Watch Dogs by Clint Hocking).

I think we can be reasonably sure that’s by design :) Breakpoint too.

Ok, so the two games I’d installed with Uplay+ are M&M 9 and South Park: Fractured but whole.

South Park seems very amusing so far. I love that they start off with fantasy like in the first game, and then switch over to playing as super heroes. I probably won’t have time to get very far in when my month is over.

M&M 9 - Very Early Lithtech engine. I’m trying to make my way through the tutorial. It’s a little hard, since I have to use mouse and keyboard, and my mouse sucks so much. I have one of those Razer mice, and since day one it’s had this thing about clicking twice when I mean to click once. It comes and goes. RIght now it’s back in full force, and it means that I skipped some tutorial messages, and now I’m kind of lost a little bit.

Still, not a bad looking game, considering it came out in 2002. Definitely better looking than M&M 6,7,8.

I did enjoy making my four characters for my main party. Once my free month is over, I’ll probably go to M&M X to fill this void. I do miss playing M&M games.

I also really wanted to give Far Cry 5 a try, but it’s a HUGE game. I just can’t make that much room.

If you do try one, I’d try FC5 New Hope. Not as long and keeping me engaged a bit more.

I forgot about this thing. :/

I actually have M&M 9 installed too. Had to see if it was as horrible as the reviews were 15 years ago. So far the only game I’ve played was Settlers… Settlers 1. That game is hard to get into in 2019.

I wish they had an easy way to tell if our computers can run something. I’ve been binging “game Steam” from the Uplay+ page list for system requirements.

On Nice. It’s only 20GB. You’re right. I have enough space to try that.

I subscribe to this (trial), origin premier, gamepass whatever and apple arcade.

If I had to rank them, I’d probably put arcade and origin at the highest. Arcade is running on a beta install on my Ipad so it’s a little limited, but I like it.
Origin’s selection is really good. Uplay was the most exciting but I already own all the stupid games.

Gamepass on pc is just a bunch of filler so far. I feel like i have to jump through a bunch of hoops to get a second sub for my son to play, whereas Uplay and origin was easy.

Arcade is cool because it’s a family thing already.

So yeah, I’ll probably drop Uplay and re-up if ghost recon is decent. But I’m less excited about it than I was.

My Uplay+ withdrawal begins. I really wish I could fire up Far Cry New Dawn right now.