United States Healthcare Reform

I don’t know if it’s true or not (who effing does) but my company received info on ACA today that states that medicare taxes will go up for earned income exceeding $200k ($250k joint) with a 3.8% medicare tax on net investment income for people with the same AGI’s.

I have no problem with that.

I like this one:Papa John’s John Schnatter Says ‘Obamacare’ Will Up Pizza Price

“We’re not supportive of Obamacare, like most businesses in our industry,” Schnatter said on a conference call with shareholders last week, as reported by Politico.“If Obamacare is in fact not repealed, we will find tactics to shallow out any Obamacare costs and core strategies to pass that cost onto consumers in order to protect our shareholders’ best interests.”

According to “Papa” John Schnatter, the cost of providing health insurance for all of his pizza chain’s uninsured, full-time employees comes out to about 14 cents on a large pizza.

This announcement does not seem to be having the effect that he hoped it would.

“I lose more than that in a week under my sofa cushion,” one Facebook commenter wrote. “I’d gladly pay 20 cents for a child to go to a doctor when they’ve got a cold, rather than have them show up at the ER.”

Another said she’s taking her money to another pizza restaurant, “one that doesn’t begrudge their employees the ability to seek a doctor when they’re ill.”

Must be something toxic in the pizza fumes that makes these cardboard-pizza magnates become crazy right-wingers.

Maybe they eat their own products…

My favorite part of his original announcement was that it was going to increase the costs of running the business by 14 cents per pizza, and that he was going to pass that on to the consumer by raising the price of their pizzas by 25 cents. Why not raise the price by 14 cents? You can’t provide health care for your employees without turning it into a cash grab as well?

14 cents!!1! This will ruin the country!!! People will starve!

Jebus Cripes what an idiot.

14 cents? Not impressed.

Guess I can scratch one place when trying to decide which pizza place to order from.

There was already a pretty good reason not to order Papa Johns pizza: it is terrible.

I listen to a both Tigers and the Red Wings games on radio, so I hear a lot of local radio commercials. It’s astounding how many of these are for hospitals or other health care providers. Shouldn’t I be making choices about hospitals based on my doctor’s recommendation, not what I heard between innings? When people complain about how much health care costs, I have to wonder how much we could save by eliminating things that shouldn’t be necessary, like advertising.

So let me get this straight: in America, if your baby has cancer, you need to raise money to pay for treatment yourself? I can’t even fathom this. I had my gallbladder out this year, including several trips to the ER for medication and day surgery, and it cost me not a single cent out of pocket. Even the drugs I took afterwards were covered (though to be fair, if they weren’t, I would have had to pay about $8 for 30 T3s).

I’m sorry to say that I haven’t read all 93 pages of this thread, but as a Canadian I’m genuinely curious why you guys aren’t out there with pitchforks and torches demanding free health care as a basic human right. Nobody should have to fundraise or take out a loan to get surgery!

Because Communism.

I wish I were joking.

Basically. Stubborn insistence that healthcare is not a human right, combined with a kneejerk anti-anything-that-isn’t-American-ism.

…and is this generally the opinion of the average American? Are you guys okay with it? No judgement; I just don’t get it.

My understanding is that the “average American” views on the topic depends very heavily on how the question is phrased.

Most people have coverage through their employer, or their spouse’s employer. They think it’s cheap, because they don’t see the portion their employer pays and the resulting reduction in salary. They think it’s reliable, because it isn’t until you’re really ill that the insurance company considers kicking you off the rolls (a process called rescission). They think it’s the best health care in the world because they tend to assume that everything here is better than anywhere else. Most Americans never travel outside the country.

In short, we have a tremendous number of low-information voters. This is especially true on issues which are somewhat complex, like health care. Finally, the people most in need of centralized health care – the young and the poor – are less likely to vote than their older, wealthier countrymen. It’s a miracle we ever make any progress at all.

What he said. When it’s all you’ve ever known it takes the effort of learning about other methods to even begin to have the conversation. See also: metric system.

This is true, and I’d add to it that there’s a large portion of the American electorate that is incapable of seeing the forest for the trees. They’ll focus on one tiny component of reform to the exclusion of all else, and vigorously throw the baby out with the bathwater. It doesn’t even have to be true, just sensational. Recent examples include the “religious objections” to including contraceptives in health care plans, and all the uproar about “death panels” during the ACA debate.

If I understand the statement, I don’t think that the Papa Johns guy was saying, “Obamacare is the devil, and we will punish the universe by raising the price of our pizzas!”

I think someone apparently asked him what his company was going to do about the associated costs of complying with the new healthcare regulations, and he explained how they were planning on negating those additional costs.

Seems pretty standard for a shareholders’ meeting.

“We’re not supportive of Obamacare, like most businesses in our industry,” Schnatter said on a conference call with shareholders last week, as reported by Politico. “If Obamacare is in fact not repealed, we will find tactics to shallow out any Obamacare costs and core strategies to pass that cost onto consumers in order to protect our shareholders’ best interests.”

Or, you know, to rephrase: “Obamacare is the devil, and we will punish the universe by raising the price of our pizzas!”

Everyone passes costs on to the customer. The thing that was more telling to me was the fact that they said the cost of Obamacare was going to be around $0.14 per pizza, but that they would pass on the cost to the customer by raising the prices $0.25 per pizza. So, not only is Obamacare bad for the nation, but it’s forcing them, FORCING THEM, to make a cash grab as well.