Valheim - a viking multiplayer exploration and survival game by Coffee Stain

I think only the largest trees drop seeds.

Fine wood trees don’t seem to drop seeds at all.

Anyone using a PS4 controller? I tried it out using several configurations, but only got it partially working.

I just wanted to pop in and thank Kyle for the tip. That got me from 10 fps to 20+ in the menu by turning off SSAO. I think hit Alt+Enter and was able to get 30-50 fps in game. I can deal with that. No time to play last night as I was super tired from work, but hopefully this weekend! Thanks again.

Ran across something sticking out of the ground and it turned out to be a partially buried shipwreck. I couldn’t do anything with it, but it was such a nice touch.

Is there a way to actually hit something by throwing a spear? I suck at ranged in this game, lol. Think I went through all 19 flint arrows I found to take down all of like 4 deer.

Also, servers: Looks like a variety of l33t_g4m3rz companies will rent me one for like $10/mo, or I can run the server myself. Meh!

As I mentioned upthread, Ive got a dedicated server going if anyone wants to jump on. Have three regular players at the moment.

My experience with 2nd boss was far from tedious. Dragged him to a heavily wooded area and kited around trees and shot him with 100 arrows while fighting off all the other mobs that came to investigate the ruckus. When we’d finished we had made a clearing and now every time I pass through there the scars on the forest reminds me of our battle. It’s so good.

A bit of practice and a bit of skill levelling. Once my bow skill had improved a few levels, hitting stuff became much easier. It’s just the skills don’t level unless you successfully hit, so it’s a bit frustrating to start.

Aim high. Just make sure to aim so if you miss you don’t toss a perfectly good spear into the ocean.

I’ve gotten pretty good with the spear. My go to weapon. Throwing it at something and then running up to retrieve and attack with it while the enemy is stunned it very satisfying.

I haven’t fought the second boss yet. Been sailing around the coastline checking things out and collecting resources. Ran across a tiny patch of swamp in a black forest area. I managed to kite a troll through it, which caused an epic Troll vs. Dragur battle. Some nearby skeletons got in on it as well. I hid and watched until it was over and stealthily collected the loot. Well, so no stealthily as I got killed on my way back out of the area. But after a long raft trip (note to self, always set up a beachhead with a portal) I stealthily got my stuff back. I’ve got sausage casings now!

Now that I’ve got some good food and partly upgraded bronze armor I do need to take on the boss. I’ve had great success with the spike defenses at my base. As my character is an accomplished jumper, and grey dwarfs can’t jump, a ring of spikes makes a great redoubt. I plan to create a series of fortifications in the area first. A shooting platform surrounded by walls and spikes. Perhaps some strategically placed campfires.

I was not ready for the Bow Chicka Wow Wow music to start.

Just bought the game and am stuck kinda. I can build the workbench and the raven appears but I can’t interact with it. I can’t use the Workbench either as it says it needs a roof? But I can’t build a house as parts don’t seem to snap to each other and the floor is too uneven. Still right next to the starting stone area. Probably missing something bleeding obvious.

I had the same issue at first and it turned out I was trying to build too close to a rune stone thingy. The game gave me no warnings about that, but as soon as I moved further away (about eight feet further way) everything started working again.

Might not be your problem, but give it a shot.

If it’s just the floor uneven you can level it with a hoe, or you could sink supports down into it and then build the floor on the supports above the ground.

Why would you want a server? Unless of course, its to play with others? I just play solo.

Also, throwing spears works wonderfully when you run down deer. Just…be careful - I ALMOST lost my new minted spear by missing, and it just vanishing in the deep forest.

That is generally the idea of playing on a server, yes ;)

oh okay- just making sure you knew you could play it perfectly fine alone :-)

I did a ridge vent down the topline of my long house. And then made a “hood” inside over the bigger fire pit that is closest to my bed. Not sure I needed the hood. Works well.


Smoke collects in the ridge, and vents.

Inside w/hood (may be not needed). Smoke is up and away.

Just fired this up yesterday, so not accomplished much except building a shed->hut->long house. Working on a dock … man that is fiddly.

Now if I can figure out how to plant a seed, and how to get a fish … but not on the seed. I know what I can’t do with seeds.

Is it permadeath? Do I restart the whole game if I die? Shows how new I am.

YOu started yesterday, and you built… THAT?!

Jeez, way to make me feel useless :-D That is seriously a good looking "hut.

If you die you respawn at your base/bed. There’ll be a little glowing stone where you died and a crossed bones marker on the map. If you can get back to it and not die again then you can reclaim what you were carrying at the time.

Oh nice. I was assuming permadeath, and I’m solo.

That’s partly why all I’ve done yet is act like a beaver, and build. Chop trees/eat/sleep/repeat.

One tip with ruined log buildings. You can plop a workbench down next to them then disassemble them for more wood. Then disassemble the workbench … I wonder if you can disassemble bigger stuff that way?

@Razgon, that’s not my “hut”. It was small, smoky, ugly and misaligned. “House” was slightly bigger than hut and “mostly” aligned. Its biggest feature was a porch for the fire, to be not smoky. Which was out most of the time of course. Then I got the tool that lets you level ground …