Virtual reality: to boldly game like we never gamed before...

Yeah I get it, I never bought Stormland either even though it’s been on my wish list forever. Never quite got cheap enough for something I wasn’t fully sold on.

It’s tougher when you missed the actual release I think, because back then a game is a bit more exciting due to friends also playing it.

I tried this out, but will probably refund it. I did kind of enjoy figuring stuff out at first, but once the actual gameplay started I wasn’t as enamored. It’s very very reminiscent of In Other Waters, but the roguelike elements actually turn me off to it.

I checked out the Quest 2 improvements to Sairento VR: Untethered last night, worried that with the update performance may return to being rough like it was in the Quest 1 days.

Thankfully not! It runs great, and now at 90hz and with extra ‘stuff’ going on.

It reminded me of how much I enjoy this game, even though it’s still pretty low res and ugly. And pretty light on content I think, with not a lot of maps or enemy variety. I’m really selling it lol!

For just good old fashioned fun, I Expect You To Die. It’s a great intro to VR and a fun game besides, think of it as VR-lite escape room-lite but with a good sense of humor.

My Population One experience has been pretty brief on the 8 or 9 games I’ve tried. Fly down, maybe find some guns, then die horribly to a level 58 or 59 player. Would be nice if they had a mode for under level 10s to all fight each other so we’re not getting against the hardcore folks in every match.

I thought they had some kind of tiered ranking system now? Because what you say was a common complaint, from what I’ve read.

Freebie on Rift Store

Perfect description :D

In the coming weeks, ads will start appearing inside the Resolution Games title Blaston as well as two other unnamed apps. Facebook will later expand the system based on user feedback, saying it aims to create a “self-sustaining platform” for VR development.

Developers will get a share of the revenue from ads in their apps, but Facebook isn’t publicly revealing the percentage.

Ok, so guess I’m crossing Blaston off any possible VR purchase. I’d be fine with FREE games that include some sort of ad but nothing I actually have to buy.

How could the feedback be anything other than “no”?

Feedback from the other Zuckerbergs has been mainly positive so far…

Uh yeah… especially something you already bought, like I did! I wonder if they’ll end up accepting refunds on Blaston?

Free to play, fine. Paid games? I’ll avoid.

I’ll even avoid the free ones. I subscribe to Google Play Pass specifically so I can use apps without ads. No ad has ever improved the gameplay experience for me.

Oh I’ll avoid them too, I mean I’m fine with ads being in them.

If you read the news back when Facebook acquired Oculus and didn’t anticipate this, I don’t know what to say. Frankly, I’m surprised it took this long.

The curious thing is that Facebook is starting with what it could be the proven bad approach, ads directly ingame. Don’t people remember that was already tried in normal, 2d games? There were a few attempts in the 00’s, but they never seemed to congeal into something worth it. I remember when Quake Live was supposed to use ingame ads to support the free game structure. Never happened.

I’d say it’s even worse now, any game that dares to bring ads will be review-bombed.

VR demos on Steam, part of the Steam Fest

2076 – Midway Multiverse 2076 - Midway Multiverse on Steam
Against AGAINST on Steam
Arcade Legend Arcade Legend on Steam
Ash of Legends Ash of Legends on Steam
Blobkin Blaster Blobkin Blaster on Steam
Cave Digger 2: Dig Harder Cave Digger 2: Dig Harder on Steam
Cyber Defense 2088 Cyber Defense 2088 on Steam
Detour Bus Detour Bus on Steam
Fog of Cage Fog of Cage on Steam
I Expect You To Die 2 I Expect You To Die 2 on Steam
Into the Darkness VR Into The Darkness VR on Steam
Paranormal Detective: Escape from the 90’s Paranormal Detective: Escape from the 90's on Steam
Seeker: My Shadow Seeker: My Shadow on Steam
Sentenced VR Sentenced VR on Steam
Squingle Squingle on Steam
The Patcher The Patcher on Steam
Sam & Max: This Time It’s Virtual! Sam & Max: This Time It's Virtual! on Steam
Outlier OUTLIER on Steam
Undead Citadel Undead Citadel on Steam

Alas, I don’t see a demo for that, just a 20 minute spoiler video of gameplay…

(Is Steve Purcell involved with this one?)