Virtual reality: to boldly game like we never gamed before...

Anyone running VR, and specifically airlink to Quest2, with an AMD rather than nVidia? Thinking about a 6800 build for the next four years or so.

Just a callout that airlink doesn’t work with mesh routers. Very odd given how increasingly common they are.

Mesh is the signal jumping from one to another device, right? It sounds like the opposite thing you want for VR, where every ms of latency is bad.

More interesting news in VR. New VD update with finally the Video tab enabled

Wow that looks wonderful.

I know it’s old news already, but I finally got around to playing Population One on my Quest. Really impressed with that game so far. Some of the best multiplayer I’ve experienced yet in VR.
Anyone else play it?

Lone Echo II will release soon, on October 12th.

Yay! Looking forward to this one.

Sweet Surrender (fps roguelite) and Neverboard (social board games thingie) are out in Oculus store. The last one give one free game and other three are to be paid.

Unplugged track list is out:

Larcenauts has a new map and new hero.

Blaston has a free weekend on Steam, and a new update with new weapon and new mode.

Walkabout minigolf new map is out, and something I didn’t notice from the trailer, there are wind mechanics.

Surv1v3 is added to Viveport Infinity.

Not a bad day for VR.

Well THAT looks like my jammy-jam, sold. Thank you!

There was another similar game, Compound, on Steam, right? Have you played it? It would be nice to compare both.

Compound is my favorite VR game currently. It’s SO FUCKING great, and this looks similar which is why I had to have it.

I kinda remembered it was you who mentioned loving Compoound, heh.

Oh god I love it so much.

Hmmm, not a huge fan of any of those songs, but on the other hand I do have fond memories of playing many of them on Rock Band/Guitar Hero.

So this is QUITE good, but a bit more fiddly that it needs to be. With Compound, you have stuff in your left and right hand, and they’re guns and that’s it. In Sweet Surrender there are melee weapons, plus you can “clip things to your belt” basically, so you can carry like four grenades and a few health vials.

It gives you more options, but in the thick of combat I forget about all of it for the shooty shooty. There’s also a time limit for each level, because eventually a big alarm goes off and they tell you you’re being tracked, and you can hear big thudding in the distance, so you gotta run for the exit.

Also so far there only seems to be the one pistol so far. I’ve not seen any other guns in my four runs, so I hope there are more. I think, overall, if you like Compound, you’ll like this, but I think Compound is better. I hope it comes to Ocolus natively.

Alright then they’re dolling them out drip slow then. I got to the third level in one run and still, all I found were grenades and vials, no guns, no grappling hook.

A couple of chips but that’s really it. I guess I’ll have to keep playing.

I do hope Compound comes natively to the Quest 2.

Fuck yes. I will totally double dip.