Virtual reality: to boldly game like we never gamed before...

BTW, if you have a store credit burning a hole in your virtual pocket, I suggest waiting till about Christmas. Oculus typically has a holiday sale between Christmas and New Years.

Though Tetris Effect is 30% off today, that’s a good one too.

I bought it, and well, it’s a perfectly adequate music/fitness game. The graphics are pretty decent, it has 24 tracks of different styles, exercise wise it gets pretty intense at the advanced/expert level, I like details like the hit feedback when breaking the spheres you hit (the pieces will fly in the correct direction depending of your punch motion), it has a panel of options to tweak the style, the idea of several ‘weapon styles’ is interesting for variety, and it supports your own mp3s.

The bad part is the last one. Can you exercise while listening your favorite band? Well, yeah. Are the generated maps for your mp3 decent enough? No, they are dogshit. Exactly as bad as other games that try it. It’s just generic, random hits not properly adjusted to the music, which is what I would like.
Like, I know it has to be very hard to procedurally generate a good map, like a custom well done Beat Saber map done by an expert, but I’m not asking that level of quality, I’m asking the bare minimum of the generator recognizing the slow parts of a song (put few things to hit/avoid here, maybe put one of the streams you have to follow) and the intense parts of a song (put many things to hit/avoid here, up to a point of course). Instead, the generation seems to only detect the average BPM of the entire mp3, and apply it in a global manner.

Don’t dis my boy Audiosurf like that. Speaking of, where is the Audiosurf for VR? I mean, Beat Saber is OK, but I originally bought it thinking it did custom tracks like Audiosurf (nice research there).

It’s really good!

Hmm. Old (almost six years), not updated, flaky - not gonna pay $20 for an unsupported 1st-Gen PC VR title.

You had my hopes up :)

No, I was talking of VR games. I’d like to have something of that quality in the VR space.

Well it was nearer $7 a few weeks ago (and I’ll bet it will be again tomorrow in the Xmas sale) - I can only vouch for it on the Vive, where it seems pretty solid, but if it hasn’t been updated in a couple of years I’d agree with you and be suspicious of it working well on more recent headsets.

But it was one of my first VR games, and I have fond memories of playing it - it was great at the time, and I think it still holds up well today.

It’s a pity, because I searched for it on the Quest store, and it’s there too, but I found this:

I had success going through oculus support. Please check your account that you received the $60 credit, too. If not I will try to fix it via my email chain with oculus support.
They tried playing coy that the $60 program ran out in early december, but some screenshots worked as evidence. I’m impressed that I got it resolved in less than 36 hrs on a weekend.
Thanks for your referral link.

Thanks for everyone’s recos in this thread. I’m eager to get into VR. I got the Quest 2 working with MS flight simulator in steam with an off brand usb cable. Flying over the Pyramids in Egypt was amazing!

Wow, the $60 credit is on their website right now, and explicitly says it lasts until 12/31/2021, lol.

I’m not sure how to check on my end for the credit - only the new person gets the credit immediately. But it should take 30 days. There is a screen that popped on one time on my Oculus app where I could see the 30 day timer, but it was a popup on the home tab and I haven’t been able to find another way to get to that screen. I’ll ping them myself if I don’t see it in 30 days, thanks for using my link!

The first ever third-party Oculus Quest bundle

Any opinions on Zombieland Shoot Fever, Death Lap and Skyworld Kingdom Brawl?

Seems not too many of you guys use the QT3 VR Discord board… so… I’m going to jump into Walkabout Minigolf now, using the latest Discord created room BOGEY. If any of you want to ‘friend’ and coordinate, or for the future, I’m SpiffyMikeb in Oculus.

I already asked what is the QT3 Discord and got no reply…

I think this link should work:

Good news, I contacted the dev and he fixed the issue. And gifted me a key…

It can sustain life, just not the everything-will-kill-you kind.

That Warplanes WWI game is a fun little arcade sim that tires out my poor pipecleaner arms. Used up my 30% coupon on it, no complaints.

I guess I have a oculus referral to give out if anybody needs one.

I did the unboxing and updating and charging today so we should be good to for Christmas morning. I got Vader, beat saber, rec room and the space station tour thing. I wanted to get a decent cartoony shooter but couldn’t decide on anything.

This was my first experience with vr. Pretty neat stuff. Much smoother than I expected. I was most impressed with the boundary setup part of all things lol.

The boundary setup experience for the first time is a trip