Walking Dead on AMC

Thank you, @Murph! That’s exactly what I needed. I feel like there are three or four things in there I would have liked, but at the cost of several hours spent grumbling at myself about how much I don’t like the show anymore. :)


And man, I get that, because the show sure ain’t what it used to be. But I think the last few seasons have picked up some from where it was for a while, and they’ve got me engaged with the characters enough that I’m in it for them, even when the story gets a bit…off.

I watched the original pilot episode, and it did not grab me. I think Two and Half Men was the last network TV show I really liked.

Hey, cool, a spin-off starring Norman Reedus and Melissa McBride in 2023! Finally more Daryl and Carol action without having to waste time with plotlines devoted to all those other doofuses.


Interesting. I quit watching a couple of seasons ago–when the baseball bat-wielding dude showed up–but if it really was just Daryl and Carol I might be tempted again.

It’s interesting how common this inflection point is among people I know. That’s when I stopped watching, too.

I am almost caught up, only watched 2 episodes into this past season, I’ll get to it eventually. :P

You can only milk “humans are the real enemy” so many times before it becomes cliche.

I just asked myself “where could this show possibly go from here that could make this torture death porn of an episode worth watching?”, and I came up empty.

“The Daryl and Carol Zombie-Killing and Bass-Fishing Show!”

Lets hope for 11 seasons of that!

I haven’t watched the last few seasons so have no idea who the other woman might be, but is there any chance of a Carol-Daryl-??? version of Three’s Company?

Same here.

I was all-in until Glenn’s dumpster dive fake-out. After that it just seemed like they were playing with the audience trying to drive up ratings.

There was never an actual “I’m out” point for me. I watched all the way through to the end of the season before this most recent one, then life got busy so I was just letting that season accumulate on my DVR and one day I sat down, saw like 10 episodes in the queue and just thought “eh, I’m not feeling it” and deleted them. Now that it’s going to come to a defined ending (and not just get cancelled on a cliffhanger) I may have to go back and watch last season so I can watch the last season. I mean, hell, how many years of my life do I have invested in this? May as well see it through to the end (and the spinoff).

Not too long ago I would have been all over that, but I’ve grown to hate Carol after really liking her for a while. I would have kicked her out of the community a while ago.

Only one episode left in season 10. I got them all recorded, gonna binge maybe this weekend.

I’ve kinda liked this season again. It’s still pretty far removed from its peak seasons, but it’s much better than its lowest points, too. I think.

I stopped watching somewhere in the middle of season 8, but I always had a soft spot for the show and it occupied a big part of my life–reading the comics, playing the video games, and etc. Maybe I should spend some time catching up.

My memory is a little fuzzy on where it really dipped, but I feel like if you hit season 8…I think you got through the low point, lol. I’ve thought the last few seasons were…maybe not “excellent,” but solid. Worth watching. I get pretty invested in characters though, so I want to know where their stories go.