Walking Dead on AMC

Wait, what? You’ve never seen an FX show? Ever? Not even an episode of The Shield?

Actually, strike that. I watched the first season of Rescue Me. That’s FX, right?


Tom Chick never watched The Shield. Wow.

Or The Wire. Or the Sopranos. Or The Simpsons.


These are things you really shouldn’t be confessing here. Or anywhere, for that matter.

For gore level, and FX, I was thinking along the lines of Nip/Tuck, which had a pretty cringe inducing aspect to it.

And by that she means Rosie O’Donnell.

Edit: Sorry Athryn. But I make no apologies to Rosie.

I am not a he.


… :(

The fuck?

Tom doesn’t need to watch television. He LIVES it.

Here is the second casting announcement for Walking Dead: Love Actually’s Andrew Lincoln as Rick Grimes.

Hmmm, I dunno about that. But Robert Kirkman sure sounds excited.

I dunno about that either. I’ve only seen him in Teachers and he definitely filled that desperate, undirected young teacher role. I can’t really picture him as what basically amounts to Clint Eastwood’s child/grandchild.

I think the kids are going to be hardest to deal with. There’s no way they can have the same actors playing the kids if this is only getting six episodes a series. And I hope they don’t change the kids’ plotlines because they’re absolutely the best thing about the series. And I just don’t see a child actor doing Carl justice.

Reading the comics these days, I think that Carl has actually become a bigger badass than his old man. Rick’s all “Oh noes we can’t kill an insane kid this isn’t the Old West” and Carl’s like “Yippee-ki-yay-motherfucker.”

you never watched the wire? i thought you gave the first season three stars and i called you on it and then you called me on my five stars for some b-movie.

So, uh, Tom, how do you feel about AMC and violence after the last episode of Breaking Bad?

That AMC is the perfect channel for Walking Dead!
