Wallet Threat Level

That does have an interesting elevator pitch.

Goblin Stone is a turn-based RPG told from a goblin’s perspective . Adventurers have pushed goblins and orcs to near extinction: it’s now time to fight back. Gather a ragtag group of goblins and journey through an epic procedurally generated world, as you change their fate in this narrated adventure.

I swore not to buy any games at $70 but also broke down to get Baldur’s Gate III and to preorder Dragon’s Dogma II (though I did have $10 in Best Buy rewards for that one, so maybe it doesn’t fully count).

At seventy dollars a game we get into that area of my wife asking me how much did you spend on that? She wouldn’t bat an eye on a 40 dollar expenditure on a hobby item but seventy comes across to anyone 's brain as that is almost a hundred bucks!

Surprised no one has mentioned Star Fleet II - Krellan Commander version 2.0 is available now.

Edit: Game already came out, this is a sale.

It was mentioned back when it came out. It’s even got its own thread, which Brian just bumped to announce the 20% off discount. What makes it a wallet threat for you this week?

Ah, Monday brain…

For some reason I forgot that it had already come out. I am no longer surprised at it not being mentioned in this thread.

Got the wish list notification and did not read the ‘sale’ part apparently.

Edit for a relevant item:

Mechwarrior 5: Solaris Showdown dlc is supposed to be released on March 14th.

I’m looking forward to more Duncan Fisher nonsense and hoping the arena battles are at least as good as the mod that was released a bit ago.

Well, Star Fleet II is worth exploring! I really enjoyed it, although I eventually found the sort of “pause” between command and execution was too annoying. I know it was modeling how the original game actually played, and some of it might be related to the original programming (?), but it was a bit too much of an ask for me. But if you check it out, let us know what you think in the thread!

Yeah, sorry, it’s a single-threaded program and only so much can be done in combat situations, especially with multiple torpedoes flying, each with their own targeting computer.

The main problem is that if we made DOSBox faster, combat – of which there’s a LOT – became too fast to be tenable. We eventually found a compromise between speed and manageability.

That said, we just made some updates to DOSBox which made it a bit snappier, so I hope that helps.

I found this video of someone playing this. I can’t decide if this is a brilliant or bad idea. I watched without audio and fast forwarded through most of it to see a few highlights, so no idea if the audio would have shed more light on the gameplay or not. I doubt it, the idea of a Pong sequel as a precision platformer seems straightforward from the video.

No More Heroes III is awesome. It’s a fitting wrap-up sequel, provided that’s truly the end of the series.

Welcome to the week of releases that a lot of you have been waiting for. The new Alone in the Dark comes out. Dragon’s Dogma 2 comes out. Final Fantasy 14 comes to Xbox. HiFi Rush comes to Playstation. Horizon Forbidden West comes to PC. Lightyear Frontier comes to Game Pass, though still in Early Access. MLB The Show 24 comes out (including to Game Pass). Call of Duty Warzone comes to your phones. Princess Peach comes to Switch. Golf comes to the 4th dimension. What?

Monday (3/18/24):​

  • Pesticide Not Required (PC)

Tuesday (3/19/24):​

  • Hi-Fi Rush (PS5)
  • Lightyear Frontier (PC, Xbox Series X/S)
  • MLB The Show 24 (PS5, PS4, Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, Switch)
  • Yolk Heroes: A Long Tamago (PC)

Wednesday (3/20/24):​

  • Alone in the Dark (PC, PS5, Xbox Series X/S)
  • Slice and Dice (PC, Android, iOS)

Thursday (3/21/24):​

  • Final Fantasy 14 Online (Xbox Series X/S)
  • Horizon Forbidden West (PC)
  • Call of Duty Warzone: Mobile (iOS, Android)
  • Midnight Ghost Hunt (PC)
  • Shines Over: The Damned (PS5)

Friday (3/22/24):​

  • Dragon’s Dogma 2 (PC, PS5, Xbox Series X/S)
  • Princess Peach: Showtime! (Switch)
  • Rise of the Ronin (PS5)
  • The Legend of Legacy HD Remastered (PC, Switch, PS5, PS4)
  • Chill Town (PC)
  • Miss Neko: Pirates (PC)
  • 4D Golf (PC)

Pretty excited for the Warzone Mobile launch. It’s the return of Verdansk! I’m interested to see what the weapon set looks like. If they give us the original Modern Warfare lineup, I’ll be out there with my Grau and HDR on day one.

Slice and Dice releases on steam on the 20th.

Anyone with even a passing interest in run-based tactics games should at least check out the thread for more info

And iOS too hopefully, still waiting for exact date.

Hi Fi Rush on PS5 arrived much sooner than I thought. Wasn’t this a rumor just a few weeks ago (before the official announcement)?

That reminds me, isn’t MLB The Show made by Sony? The last couple of releases have been on Xbox - I don’t seem to recall anyone making a fuss out of that like they did out of the recent games going to Playstation.

I have Legend of Legacy and Dragon’s Dogma 2 preordered, but I’m so tempted by FF 14 Online after hearing about its popularity for years, but keep trying Elder Scrolls Online and keep coming to the conclusion that MMORPGs just aren’t for me anymore. Maybe.

They did when it first happened. It’s developed by Sony, but MLB have the publishing rights, at least on non-Sony platforms, and made them make ports, and then made a deal with MS for GamePass.

FFXIV is far better than ESO. Don’t judge all books by one cover.

It’s free to play through two expansions. Just log on and try it out. Give it a little time though. At least play until you get to visit the three main cities.

OK, must have missed that.

Yeah, I will definitely try it out.

I’m not so much judging the quality of the game (not that I found ESO to be great or anything), just reminded of the amount of time one needs to dedicate to these types of games.

Also the learning curve with something that’s been out for so many years and probably has a ton of content and systems to learn.

I haven’t played in a year or two but the community in FF XIV was incredibly kind and helpful. It’s the best community I’ve ever seen in a MMO. New players get a green clover or whatever next to their name in the world; because of this they are affectionately known as ‘sprouts.’ So you don’t have to tell people you’re new to the game, they will know. People are generally nicer and more understanding of sprouts (as opposed to games like WoW where newbies would be kicked out of groups or berated if they asked a question).

When I played, it was entirely possible to level up by only doing the main quests and whatever sidequests interested you. The levels zip by. And the MSQ is pretty good.

And as related above, you can play a metric ton of content for free. Definitely something to check out if you have even a passing interest in MMOs.