Warframe: silly named F2P coop TPS

Tried out the Octavia today and I have to say that she’s really enjoyable to play. A bit intensive on the micro when you first start out but if you build for duration it’s not too bad - mallet & resonator every 50 seconds, buffs every 35. The mallet deals pretty good damage and you don’t have to babysit it, which is the best part. Now that Ember got nerfed I might use Octavia for afking defense objective missions.

Also, lots of weapons got buffed in the patch that landed recently (including new Eidolons, some frame reworks, etc). My Boar Prime that was already strong before the patch is absolutely insane now. I’m also really enjoying Tenora, finally put some forma in it today and it turned out to be a very nice gun, I might even replace Soma Prime with it.

I’m a big fan of the Twin Rogga now. With the four +status +elemental mods, you can build for 100% status, and with multishot mods and corrosive it’ll strip the armor from anything in two or three shots. I modded mine for some reload speed, too, to keep the sustained damage up, and it’s just delightful.

So I finally got around to testing Boar P (with riven) in Simulacrum and I’m quite happy with the results:

I really hope they leave the pellet shotgun status mechanic as is when Damage 2.5 rolls around, lol.

Baro is back, and he’s got one of the most sought-after mods this time: Primed Flow. If you like caster frames, grab a bucket of ducats and head to Saturn sometime today!

Thanks for the heads up!

He’s selling the relics for aklex prime too, and afaik Baro is the only way to get those relics. Which also means this weekend is the best time to run those relic missions.

Have to check if I got that item.

SO glad they finally patched in a little icon to weapons to tell you if you had mastered them or not, on the crafting page… with so many weapons I can no longer remember which ones I had ‘completed’ for the codex or not.

Thanks for the notifier, I haven’t followed the game much while I was in the hospital so I completely forgot that Dex stuff becomes available at this time of the year. Grabbed the first of the set and now I’m stuck waiting in a mission for the update to finish deploying lol. Red text said something about a 1gb Dojo remaster update, whatever that means.

edit: Patch notes - https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/84poxk/update_22160/

Saw this on RPS: Warframe Documentary (Youtube). Well put together. I haven’t heard of Noclip before, but after watching this I need to check out their other productions.

Noclip’s Doom 2016 documentary was entertaining. One thing I did not realize until watching the Warframe documentary was how the parkour was really a result of the “coptering” animation exploit/feature and not a day-one design decision. There are not a ton of games out there that have taken a player generated shortcut and turned it into a main feature.

After bouncing off Destiny 2, it made me realize that the speed of Warframe was one of my favorite things about the game. I always felt like I was lumbering around in Destiny 2.

The skiing in Tribes, which is the best thing that’s ever been in a PvP game was a result of this.

New Prime frame: Zephyr.

They also showed a minigame I didn’t know existed, “Happy Zephyr”.

I started playing this with my 10yo son last week. He’s in love with it, and I’m also enjoying it.
That’s quite a lot to learn about crafting, economy and mission selection. It all seems to be tied nicely together.

Is anyone still playing this?

I’m waiting for the new patch (this week) and the game mode that comes with it. Haven’t really logged in much since I hit MR24 and finally got ahead of the gear curve. Only missing a few weapons and one frame now, but that can wait.

This is my binge game, where I’ll go a year or so without playing and then when I return to it I’m completely sucked in and play nothing else for a couple months. I’m just coming off another multi-month binge, so the game is on cooldown for me at the moment. I’m sure I’ll be firing it back up when a new major update is announced that draws my attention.

Did you guys put any money into it, or is it possible to grind for most gear?
I don’t mind having some cash going to the developers, but OTOH I anticipated a lot of pressure from my son to finance an arms race.

It’s a good F2P system they have. If you’re enjoying the game, I would recommend “buying the game” and decide how much that’s worth. $20, $40, whatever.

The thing you want to spend platinum on is increasing your weapon/warframe slots. Those are super cheap, but there’s almost no other way than purchasing them with platinum so they should be prioritized. Potatoes (Orokin catalysts and reactors, which super-charge your warframe/weapon) can be found rarely in-game, but I would recommend buying a few of these and initially only installing them in weapons/warframes that you really like. They double the mod capacity for the item they’re installed on, so it makes a big difference. They’re pretty cheap, but since they’re hard to find in-game I wouldn’t waste them installing them in weapons/frames you don’t plan on using a lot.

Nearly anything else you can buy is just a shortcut. I don’t recommend buying Warframes or Weapons at all. They represent the content of the game. When you’re playing, you’re farming for resources, blueprints, etc to build new weapons and warframes to add to your arsenal. If you buy these with platinum, not only is it pretty expensive but they short-circuit the gameplay loop. You’re effectively paying money to skip on content you would normally be playing for.

Anyway, once you get initially established, you won’t really need to buy much in the way of platinum. Once you start running Void Fissures (not difficult), you start getting Prime parts. These can be traded to other players for Platinum and that’s what your son should be focused on doing, if he wants more platinum to pay with. I’ve made thousands of platinum just selling duplcate Prime parts.

If you drop a few bucks at the start, restrict your purchasing to weapon/warframe slots and the occasional potato, you’ll be golden and won’t have to worry too much about buying more currency.

If you decide to spend a lot on platinum, I suggest waiting for a sale. Every so often you will be offered a coupon that gets you a discount in the store for a couple of days. I’ve seen 75% off coupons, and heard of 90% off coupons.

This is me. I get out for a while, and then a new update gets released that overhauls or adds some major system and I get sucked back in for a few months and play nothing but.

My last binge ended around the new year. I did log back in for the anniversary, but what had ask the equipment from earlier anniversaries, so didn’t actually play much.

The advice about buying stuff Kevin gave is pretty sound. The one caveat to that is that a few Frames are just stupid grindy to get. Excalibur, I’m looking at you if you don’t take him from the getgo- I took Mag at the beginning and loved her, no regrets. When I started homing in on the last few Frames I don’t have, I saw how to get Excal and just bought him with plat next time I got a big discount- hell, with the slot add potato he comes with it ended up being stupid cheap.

Thanks for all the tips. I must admit I don’t understand most of it, but at least I have some vocabulary to google.