Warhammer 40K: Inquisitor - Martyr

Don’t get me wrong, I love both GD and PoE. The loot though is sometimes overwhelming, and the fact that a loot filter is really mandatory tells you something! But getting loot right is hard, and those two games do about the best job off it around.

The complete edition is the cheapest I’ve ever seen:

Get it!

Never played this before, starting up a co-op game with a similarly newbie friend - should we be installing Martyr or Prophecy?

If you own all of it you only need to install Martyr.

Thanks, that is extremely unclear from anything else! :)

Yeah no worries I only found out through the community my own self. It’s still a big install at roughly 75GB.

Better than two 75 GB installs, which is what I was afraid I might be looking at!

New class DLC coming!!



So, is it actually not possible to play the campaign missions in co-op?

I believe it is now.

They patched it in? That would be excellent news!

Yeah they seem to have:

I’ve not done it myself but it seems doable now.

I’m pretty sure I played the campaign coop in the initial release? Unless you’re talking about the prologue or whatever you call the first few tutorial/intro missions. I never played the game SP anyway, it was always with a friend or two.

Awesome, thanks! TBH the multiplayer interface is a little hard to parse, so knowing this is possible is helpful.

At the initial release of Martyr, anyway, this apparently couldn’t be done. As the patch notes Brian posted indicate, it was patched in sometime in mid 2019.

Interesting. I definitely played it at 1.0. I remember having to go through what I considered the tutorial before getting to the bridge (or whatever you’d call it) of the ship, at which time co-op opened up. I’m not sure if they’re talking about those intro missions before that or if there were more story missions later that had to be completed solo. I’ll just shut up about it since the details are foggy at this point, but just know the game is co-opable!

YEah co-op opened up then but it was for non-campaign missions, basically the infinite amount of randomly generated missions you can take beyond the campaign. Now I believe you can do both the story campaign as well as void crusades in co-op.

Thanks for the clarification. Maybe I just didn’t do the campaign? It wouldn’t surprise me. :)

Seems likely. :)

But yeah, the intro missions are still SP only (and long - my co-op partner spent a whole night last week playing through those separately which was not the plan). I’m glad glad we can play the rest together, though, since in ever other sense we’ve been enjoying the game.

Well the first few missions are a tutorial that are part of the campaign, but once you get to the bridge I believe you CAN indeed skip it entirely and do side missions, but the campaigns are great and worth doing.

New Season!!!



So I’m trying a Crusader this time and I really like it so far! I think I’ll go with a blades-only approach to this guy. I have my Assassin if I want gunplay.